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User Name joanie
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... there is a season by joanie Word Count: 58

For the Flash Challenge 
26 Feb 2009

...and it`s still November by joanie Word Count: 27

I haven't been anywhere near the High Street yet! 
26 Nov 2006

24 hours in every day by joanie Word Count: 31

For the Flash Poetry Challenge - The passage of time 
10 Jan 2009

A good day`s work by joanie Word Count: 62

I was unexpectedly moved while watching BBC's 'Trawlermen' this evening. I buy too many King-sized prawns! YET... it thrills me that fishing is the last remaining activity where Man still hunts! 
31 Jul 2006

A la recherche du temps perdu by joanie Word Count: 110

A haibun for the Flash poetry challenge 
14 Nov 2008

A last goodbye by joanie Word Count: 111

Challenge of 'chocolate' in Flash Poetry - a swift response! 
19 Jan 2009

A Perfect Fit by joanie Word Count: 48

Not sure why, really! 
23 Jul 2006

A season too late by joanie Word Count: 63

Very much a 'spur-of-the-moment' reaction to the exercise in Poetry Seminar. 
28 Jul 2006

A slice of Haiku by joanie Word Count: 12

.....just enjoying a G & T 
15 Jan 2005

A sonnet by joanie Word Count: 100

At last - I have posted my first sonnet. I THINK I have the technicalities right! 
30 Mar 2004

Aaron by joanie Word Count: 62

It is very difficult! Bullying seems to be cut and dried - don't ever believe it! 
20 Sep 2006

Abyss by joanie Word Count: 72

Started as a Found Poem on the front of today's Telegraph. "Crisis in Sudan - Look at the terrified women and children and you stare into the abyss of man's inhumanity to man." 
19 Jul 2004

Across a crowded room by joanie Word Count: 31

14 Apr 2005

Activities Day by joanie Word Count: 123

Harder work than working, but we had a great time! 
23 Jul 2008

Against the sky by joanie Word Count: 43

Just working, typing away, and couldn't resist a very swift response to the view out of my window...... 
5 Mar 2006

Airport (Exercise poem) Updated by joanie Word Count: 383

A response to fevvers' exercise on Poetry Seminar 
8 Nov 2005

All-seeing by joanie Word Count: 77

A first draft as a result of the exercise in Poetry Seminar this week. 
10 Jul 2004

An elegant sufficiency by joanie Word Count: 26

A propos of nothing at all! Honestly! 
12 May 2008

Anticipation by joanie Word Count: 13

I seem to have done quite a few poems about the apple tree! 
6 Oct 2004

Antics by joanie Word Count: 222

In response to the exercise in Poetry Seminar 
8 Jun 2006

Any impediment by joanie Word Count: 61

For my challenge - week 36 in Flash Poetry. I never said that it had to be a recipe poem!! 
14 Feb 2009

Apple Tree by joanie Word Count: 81

After Anna Akhmatova's 'Willow' - a first attempt! 
25 Apr 2004

Apple Tree series by joanie Word Count: 303

As requested by James... I wonder whether I have missed any 
21 Nov 2009

Apple tree today by joanie Word Count: 59

5 Dec 2004

April haiku by joanie Word Count: 13

...and it's almost May! 
27 Apr 2006

As time went by by joanie Word Count: 58

21 Feb 2006

At home together - A Valentine Limerick by joanie Word Count: 35

My attempt! 
27 Jan 2005

At the Berkeley by joanie Word Count: 62

At the last minute - my contribution to my Flash Challenge! The truth about a special birthday treat at Marcus Wareing's at the Berkeley. 
30 May 2009

Attack by joanie Word Count: 59

14 Nov 2004

Attainment - Level 1 by joanie Word Count: 51

This started as a reposnse to the exercise in Poetry Seminar but I think it has taken a different route! 
4 Jan 2007

Autumn break - a Haiku by joanie Word Count: 12

On gazing out while having a 'brew'! 
8 Nov 2004

Autumn haiku by joanie Word Count: 32

22 Aug 2008

Away by joanie Word Count: 37

..........Surely, on holiday, we should be able to write beautiful poetry!!! I failed. 
19 Aug 2007

Before the storm - an educational haiku by joanie Word Count: 11

It's quite pleasant at the moment, doing what has to be done, enjoying a lunch break - a 'Training Day'! All Hell will break loose tomorrow. 
5 Sep 2006

Beneath the blue by joanie Word Count: 9

Sometimes they just take over! 
24 Jan 2006

Beneficial things by joanie Word Count: 106

My SECOND attempt to respond to Robert Frost's 'Acquaintance with the night' 
22 Apr 2005

Blind Faith by joanie Word Count: 134

A continuation of an exercise in Poetry Seminar - I took 'Belief's hot mud' and tried to make it into something more.  
13 Mar 2005

Blurred by joanie Word Count: 44

My response to Part 3 of fevver's exercise on Poetry Seminar 
24 Nov 2005

Bramble time by joanie Word Count: 42

For the Autumn challenge on Flash Poetry. I want to pick them but then I don't have the time to make blackberry jelly! 
24 Sep 2008

Brochure Bargain by joanie Word Count: 28

Is it worth it? 
26 Aug 2007

Broken by joanie Word Count: 139

I was eating dinner, alone, thinking of the Jeremy Hooker... I can never resist the crusty roll .. it was poppy seeds... 
14 May 2004

Budding need by joanie Word Count: 59

My response to the exercise in Poetry Seminar. I used a few pages from Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse' and Colette's 'le blé en herbe'. 
23 May 2005

Budding need (II) by joanie Word Count: 140

Second version of the exercise in Poetry Seminar. An attempt at a haibun-style piece. I have kept the original triplets and added prose. 
25 May 2005

C`est la vie by joanie Word Count: 58

I'm not happy with the title but I'll wait for inspiration or suggestions!  
27 Jan 2006

Calming by joanie Word Count: 21

I live a mile from the sea and take it for granted! 
9 May 2008

Castle Rushen by joanie Word Count: 169

I'm not sure about this one. I just had to write something following a Friday the 13th visit to my lovely local castle! 
14 Oct 2006

Catching bubbles by joanie Word Count: 43

Very much a 'flash' - in between feeding the neighbour's cats and getting dinner! 
2 Apr 2008

Chilled? by joanie Word Count: 15

No comment!! 
25 Jul 2006

Cities and eyes 5 by joanie Word Count: 188

An exercise in Poetry Seminar 
16 Mar 2005

Cliché exercise - Has beans by joanie Word Count: 24

Well!! Four short lines and it's taken me all week! (I've been busy) 
18 Feb 2006

Contrasts by joanie Word Count: 36

What a lousy weekend - 50 hours of solid rain. A change of seasons today. 
19 Apr 2005

Cordon Bleu Spuds by joanie Word Count: 79

12 Apr 2004

Corporate by joanie Word Count: 35

Selfish gut reaction to something.... I might well delete in the light of day!  
22 May 2007

Crocodile fears (another tribute to Spike) by joanie Word Count: 165

An attempt in the style of Spike Milligan. 
29 Jun 2004

Dark by joanie Word Count: 94

We have been looking at 'Snow' by Louis MacNeice this week in Poetry Seminar. This is my reponse. 
16 Nov 2004

Darkest Peru by joanie Word Count: 34

Close to my heart right now! 
16 Jul 2006

Decorations haiku by joanie Word Count: 11

My excuse for not 'decorating' this year - (and having to take them all down again) - I'll look out of the window instead! 
29 Nov 2005

Dedication vegetation by joanie Word Count: 145

I am definitely going to take stock soon!! Suggestions for a title, please! 
25 Feb 2006

Destiny Haiku by joanie Word Count: 11

My first attempt at Haiku. Did I get it right? 
15 Mar 2004

Diversity by joanie Word Count: 57

I thought that I had better make a contribution to 'European Day of Languages'! Not sure about the title. 
26 Sep 2006

Doing my job by joanie Word Count: 24

Don't you wish that you could just get on with it?! 
20 Jan 2005

Dripfeed by joanie Word Count: 26

Temporary challenge in Flash Poetry! 
11 Sep 2008

Drowning (Unpoetic exercise) by joanie Word Count: 317

I wasn't totally sure how to deal with this so I have posted the original prose, taken from Sawday's 'Special Places to Stay: French Bed and Breakfast' plus the same text, lineated, and my own version. 
25 Aug 2006

Early summer by the apple tree by joanie Word Count: 104

A response to Mary Oliver's 'Heron Rises From The Dark, Summer Pond', studied in Poetry Seminar this week. 
22 Jul 2004

Elements by joanie Word Count: 203

My attempt at Terza Rima, which we are looking at in Poetry Seminar this weeek. This took off in a totally unexpected direction!! I just let it go. 
26 May 2004

Enticement by joanie Word Count: 57

9 Apr 2005

EXCELlent love by joanie Word Count: 72

A 'love' poem for Poetry Seminar 
17 Nov 2008

Fairy forty five years on by joanie Word Count: 177

When I was clearing out my parents' house after their deaths two years ago, I came across an envelope marked, 'Joan's poems (childhood)', which contained old sheets from an exercise book with various verses. This would have been written when I was about 8, I should think. I thought I would up-date it for a bit of fun! 
26 Oct 2004

Fan by joanie Word Count: 9

Typing as my hair is blown by a very welcome breeze from an oscillating fan! 
11 Jul 2005

Fantasies by joanie Word Count: 24

For the Flash Poetry Challenge. Take the first verse on its own, if you like, as it includes all the elements! 
7 Apr 2009

Feeling the senses by joanie Word Count: 26

Not sure about this one - just a few thoughts, really. 
28 Apr 2005

Finding the equilibrium by joanie Word Count: 62

For the Flash Poetry Challenge - 'Bank' 
23 Oct 2008

Flash point by joanie Word Count: 18

I'm tempted by Flash Poetry's challenge this week! 
14 May 2006

Flat-iron by joanie Word Count: 46

10 Jan 2008

Flying to the Milky Way by joanie Word Count: 43

For the Challenge in 'Flash' 
20 Jul 2008

For amusement only by joanie Word Count: 104

10 Sep 2004

For women only by joanie Word Count: 107

No apologies - if you don't understand it, you're lucky! 
4 Nov 2004

Found Poem by joanie Word Count: 31

I wasn't going to post this, as it was just a quick reponse to the Encyclopaedia Britannica's definition of a Found Poem, but in the absence of anything else, here goes... 
1 Apr 2004

Freedom (Exercise Poem) by joanie Word Count: 59

VERY experimental! An exercise in Poetry Seminar 
11 Mar 2005

From the window of the plane by joanie Word Count: 23

For findy's challenge in Flash Poetry - Turquoise 
29 Aug 2009

Fruition of fashion by joanie Word Count: 73

A response to the exercise(s) in Poetry Seminar. Fix your teeth in before you try to read it aloud! 
5 Aug 2005

Gaining a daughter by joanie Word Count: 87

I find it so much easier to write in rhyme, but, having read lots of poetry on WW, I think I ought to try something different. 
10 Mar 2004

Getting the balance right by joanie Word Count: 107

Because I have such admiration for those who can - both physically and metaphorically. 
24 Jul 2004

Getting to the Post Office by joanie Word Count: 12

I just want to curl up and go to sleep! 
14 Dec 2005

Gloves by joanie Word Count: 18

...having seen Faye Dunaway on TV recently.... I wonder.. and I worry 
8 Oct 2008

Going for a thong - RLG 5 by joanie Word Count: 101

Busy day yesterday - I finally got it sorted! 
2 May 2004

Green-eyed Monster by joanie Word Count: 52

In response to Robert Frost's 'Fire and Ice', which we have been reading in the Poetry Seminar. 
7 May 2004

Greenwich Mean Time by joanie Word Count: 8
1  Comment

It's just SO dark! .... and worse to come! 
8 Nov 2008

Grey by joanie Word Count: 77

30 Mar 2006

Growing independent - for Xanthe by joanie Word Count: 26

My alphabet poem 
27 Jan 2009

Haiku by joanie Word Count: 13

8.25pm - Just phenomenal! 
29 Apr 2007

Haiku 2-3-2 by joanie Word Count: 54

Following the recent postings re. Haiku, I am experimenting with 2-3-2! 
28 Mar 2004

Haiku at the Co-op in the Square by joanie Word Count: 8

A gob-smacking response to "Hiya Miss!" 
19 Jul 2006

Halter neck cross-over by joanie Word Count: 44

For the 'item of clothing' challenge in Flash Poaetry. 
17 Mar 2009

Harbouring the Truth by joanie Word Count: 154

My response to the 'Virelay' exercise in Poetry Seminar. 
29 Apr 2006

Hard - a ghazal by joanie Word Count: 85

At last! Am I allowed to have the plural 'scales' as part of my rhyming 'thing' in the line with the radif? Nightmare = Poetry Seminar exercise! 
9 Feb 2006

Having a ball - Flash Challenge by joanie Word Count: 114

How many dance names can you spot? Corny, I know!! 
10 Jun 2008

haze by joanie Word Count: 11

Just an observation - the cloud formations have been wonderful yet very strange these last few days. 
24 Aug 2007

Heavy by joanie Word Count: 27

5 May 2005

Hidden depths by joanie Word Count: 0

For the Flash Poetry challenge 
22 May 2018

Hierarchy by joanie Word Count: 38

20 Oct 2007

Highlights by joanie Word Count: 47

I have just been to the hairdresser's.... and ...I have just read this to my husband, whose response was "That's not a poem!" Oh, dear! 
14 May 2005

Holiday by joanie Word Count: 25

21 Jun 2007

Home truths - Flash Poetry by joanie Word Count: 70

My response 
24 Apr 2008

Homeless by joanie Word Count: 59

I feel so awful - we have had jackdaws nesting in our chimney for the last three years and now we have decided to take action! They are sitting there, wondering why they can't get to their gorgeous nest, lined with down... but they have managed to remove the contraption which the builders put in place!! 
4 Apr 2008

Hormonal by joanie Word Count: 8

27 Sep 2007

Hors d`oeuvre by joanie Word Count: 58

Just a thought as I enjoyed my starter! 
30 Apr 2005

Hot Lips by joanie Word Count: 64

I [i]think[/i] that this is as a result of looking at Dorothy Molloy's poetry last week in Poetry Seminar.... but then, it might just be that I am entertaining my husband's elderly aunt for a week! 
27 Aug 2004

Household haiku by joanie Word Count: 12

I'm away for a couple of weeks now. Just cleaning before I set off! 
4 Aug 2006

How are you, dear? by joanie Word Count: 264

OK - I thought I'd come clean and post the sort of thing I write most often - written to be said aloud. 
4 Sep 2004

Impossible things by joanie Word Count: 52

For the Flash Poetry challenge 
6 Oct 2008

Indifference by joanie Word Count: 116

My response to the Hone Tuwhare poem we have been looking at in Poetry Seminar this week. Not the same subject, but, I hope, the same sort of sentiments. 
21 May 2004

Insight - Version II by joanie Word Count: 169

My attempt at a tritina, which we have just started to look at in Poetry Seminar. 
2 Jul 2005

Invisible prisoner by joanie Word Count: 25

For the Flash Poetry Challenge this week. 'Imprisonment' and 'Discovery' 
25 Apr 2009

Island in cloud by joanie Word Count: 10

20 Mar 2005

Keepsake by joanie Word Count: 60

5 Aug 2004

Knitting up the ravelled sleeve.... by joanie Word Count: 14

I hope I don't wake at 3am!! 
16 Jan 2006

Labouring under an illusion by joanie Word Count: 22

Flash Challenge 13 
4 Jul 2008

lament by joanie Word Count: 37

Flash Poetry 2 
12 Apr 2008

Landing by joanie Word Count: 42

For the Flash Poetry Challnege 
14 Oct 2008

Laying bare by joanie Word Count: 71

15 Jan 2008

Lazy Sunday by joanie Word Count: 23

Just how it is, right now......! 
16 May 2004

Lifestyle by joanie Word Count: 18

..because I know that it's not right. 
12 Nov 2005

Locksmith needed by joanie Word Count: 96

A very late entry for the metre exercise in Poetry Seminar. I am just concerned that this metre will be common to too many poems, but I have tried to keep some of the 'feel' of it. See what you think! The rhyme scheme is the same. 
28 Mar 2005

Longtails by joanie Word Count: 67

Another response to the 'Step outside' exercise in Poetry Seminar. 
6 Jun 2007

Looking to the future by joanie Word Count: 49

18 Nov 2005

Looking upward by joanie Word Count: 78

Flash Poetry Week 37 Challenge 
19 Feb 2009

Lost opportunities by joanie Word Count: 80

26 Apr 2005

Love by joanie Word Count: 12

A haiku for soulmates everywhere! 
24 Feb 2005

Lying Fallow by joanie Word Count: 98

First and Last exercise in Poetry Seminar 
23 Feb 2006

Magnetic Poetry - Love me by joanie Word Count: 92

A second attempt at magnetic poetry, which we are looking at in Poetry Seminar, using a different set of words. My first attempt is added at the end. 
11 Jan 2005

Maintaining the status quo by joanie Word Count: 17

Week 32 Challenge in Flash Poetry. My attempt at a 'Fib'! 
13 Jan 2009

Majestic by joanie Word Count: 14

The sea was wild today! 
13 Feb 2005

Mal de mer by joanie Word Count: 67

...although it is a mill-pond just now 
12 Dec 2004

Management by joanie Word Count: 72

A response to a) the exercise in Poetry Seminar and b) my situation at the moment at work!! Two birds, one stone. 
26 May 2006

Maturity by joanie Word Count: 126

An attempt ( I think!) at a response to Selima Hill's 'The World's Entire Wasp Population', which we have been studying in Poetry Seminar, 
26 Nov 2004

May by joanie Word Count: 13

a haiku 
29 May 2006

Meditations by joanie Word Count: 24

Some time ago, I suggested doing something in the style of Ogden Nash then promptly lost my meagre offering!! It has recently turned up in My Documents at work! Here it is for what it's worth; perhaps I could add to it. 
3 Mar 2008

Mirror Poem - Design by joanie Word Count: 96

My response to the exercise in Poetry Seminar. 
8 Jan 2006

Mission impossible by joanie Word Count: 24

Just a few thoughts........ 
28 Nov 2008

More by joanie Word Count: 48

The end of a LONG week! 
12 May 2006

Moving on by joanie Word Count: 19

A very quick exercise in Poetry Seminar. 
3 Mar 2005

Mud bath by joanie Word Count: 22

What a miserable day to be out on a wind-swept playing field! 
10 Jan 2006

Muted passion by joanie Word Count: 33

11 Apr 2005

My eyes by joanie Word Count: 18

a quickie 
4 Jan 2005

My response to the Inaurgural Poem by joanie Word Count: 204

29 Jan 2009

Never buy me roses by joanie Word Count: 20

Just a quickie 
28 Nov 2004

New Age by joanie Word Count: 41

Just me being cynical. 
14 Sep 2006

New horizons? by joanie Word Count: 71

...just looking out at the horizon this morning and thinking ... 
29 Jan 2005

New-born by joanie Word Count: 54

Just a series of observations... 
17 May 2007

Nightingale by joanie Word Count: 55

Nothing personal, just an observation. 
30 Jul 2004

Not guilty by joanie Word Count: 27

It would take an age to tell you the story, but this one is keeping me awake at night. 
12 Dec 2006

Not much longer by joanie Word Count: 128

A response to the exercise in Poetry seminar 
1 Sep 2004

Old Apple Tree by joanie Word Count: 245

This is written as a response to Mark Doty's 'White Kimono', which we studied in Poetry Seminar. Apple tree again! 
11 Oct 2004

On coming home from work by joanie Word Count: 6

I have started the ball rolling! Any takers? 
14 Jun 2005

On looking up to the heavens by joanie Word Count: 67

An exercise on Poetry Seminar. I couldn't resist keeping to the restriction of the number of letters. I have counted spaces as a letter. 
27 Feb 2005

On the death of an apple tree by joanie Word Count: 22

Flash Poetry 9 Challenge 
5 Jun 2008

One by joanie Word Count: 53

I wanted to try the repetition which Ticonderoga (Mike) used in 'calling the toad' 
12 Jul 2004

Order no. 37562983 by joanie Word Count: 140

17 Apr 2007

Out of touch by joanie Word Count: 61

30 Mar 2005

Oyster by joanie Word Count: 18

25 Nov 2007

Page 10 by joanie Word Count: 68

I'm a bit barren at the moment so this is something I can't remember writing, found while tidying 'My Documents'. 
1 May 2006

Past TImes by joanie Word Count: 82

7 Oct 2005

Peach of a life by joanie Word Count: 290

The exercise in Poetry Seminar - Frankenstein - revitalising an old poem 
10 Jul 2007

Photograph (a villanelle) by joanie Word Count: 157

What a nightmare, but I can't resist! I'm not happy with it but I have to stop tweaking sometime! 
3 Sep 2005

Pie by joanie Word Count: 51

Where have all the poets gone? I had to post something! 
13 Sep 2005

Positive by joanie Word Count: 12

I haven't done a haiku for ages! 
10 Oct 2008

Pre Leda by joanie Word Count: 220

A response to the exercise in Poetry Seminar, based on Radio 4's "The Last Picture Show". 
25 Mar 2006

Present problems by joanie Word Count: 210

Just thought I'd share one of my Christmas 'repertoire'! I have read this (well, almost acted it really) at a couple of Christmas concerts/Carol services recently. Like them or not, the rhyming ones do go down well! 
10 Dec 2005

Prioritising - is it ever possible? by joanie Word Count: 7

15 Mar 2008

Promise by joanie Word Count: 121

This is formed from my contributions to the Renga in Poetry Seminar. 
30 Sep 2006

Promise of Spring - Haiku by joanie Word Count: 12

Another attempt at Haiku, as I find that I am really enjoying it. 
21 Mar 2004

Provision by joanie Word Count: 87

My response to the Gerard Manley Hopkins which we have been looking at in 'Poetry Seminar' this week. 
20 Jun 2004

Pure gold by joanie Word Count: 10

What a difference a bit of morning sunshine makes, even though it had clouded over by 11! 
27 Jan 2007

Razor sharp by joanie Word Count: 15

A genuine question! 
16 Oct 2007

Re-birth by joanie Word Count: 144

Close to this mother's heart at the moment! 
11 Nov 2007

Reality by joanie Word Count: 39

It's ages since I've posted anything in this group. Apologies!! 
28 Apr 2009

Recorder - (L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E P=O=E=T=R=Y) by joanie Word Count: 113

An attempt at L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E P=O=E=T=R=Y, being studied in Poetry Seminar. I have done exactly as suggested and produced something totally meaningless, I hope! ....or did I?? 
21 Jun 2005

Referral by joanie Word Count: 138

23 Oct 2007

Regrets by joanie Word Count: 29

29 May 2004

Relishing the season by joanie Word Count: 65

My response to the challenge in Flash Poetry 
3 Feb 2009

Revelation by joanie Word Count: 55

2 Oct 2007

RLG by joanie Word Count: 68

I wasn't thinking of doing one of these, but as I looked out this evening through the window amd saw the full moon,.......... 
5 Apr 2004

RLG 11 - Diversity by joanie Word Count: 90

My attempt 
2 Nov 2004

RLG 7 - No escape by joanie Word Count: 76

Not sure about this one really, but I didn't want to miss the RLG! 
8 Jul 2004

RLG10 - My fault by joanie Word Count: 106

I decided to write it in the form of a villanelle (I think!) 
4 Oct 2004

RLG6 - Destiny by joanie Word Count: 105

My attempt! 
2 Jun 2004

RLG8 - Late night shopping by joanie Word Count: 276

My first attempt at a short story, within the confines of the RLG. Oh dear! At least I tried. 
3 Aug 2004

Sad reflection by joanie Word Count: 86

19 Apr 2004

Saturday TV haiku by joanie Word Count: 22

Come on! We've been working hard ALL week! Am I entitled to a bit of mindless TV?? 
8 Dec 2006

School run by joanie Word Count: 36

My response to the challenge in Flash Poetry 
4 Oct 2012

Season of mists ... a Haiku by joanie Word Count: 10

....because it was such a lovely morning as the day broke. 
24 Sep 2004

Seasonal expectation by joanie Word Count: 59

14 Mar 2009

Sewer secrets by joanie Word Count: 47

30 Jun 2007

Shade by joanie Word Count: 48

A quick response to the exercise in Poetry Seminar 
3 Mar 2006

Shipwreck by joanie Word Count: 40

Feeling rather devoid of ideas at the moment and clutching at anything. 
3 Aug 2005

Shipwreck by joanie Word Count: 44

Today was just glorious; brilliant blue sky and a sea like you have never seen! (Cold, though!) 
18 Mar 2006

Shower Haiku by joanie Word Count: 12

A reflection on looking out today; I am not very productive just now! 
1 Oct 2005

Silhouette of spring by joanie Word Count: 47

Just looking out of the window...... 
9 May 2005

Silver button - Flash challenge by joanie Word Count: 31

3 May 2008

Slouching on a Sunday evening by joanie Word Count: 10

Say it as it is! 
6 Apr 2008

Sometimes by joanie Word Count: 50

5 Jul 2004

Spring Lamented by joanie Word Count: 43

Only a few weeks ago, everything was fresh and green; there was promise in the air.... 
16 Jun 2007

Strawberry Fields by joanie Word Count: 67

A closed road meant a different route to work today. How things have changed! The development is called Strawberry Fields. 
18 Mar 2004

Striving for average by joanie Word Count: 238

Perhaps it's just because I'm back at work... (Version II) - Cain and Kyle are VERY real!! 
5 Sep 2007

Sua vita by joanie Word Count: 22

27 May 2007

Summer evening - a little Haiku by joanie Word Count: 6

I just stood awhile in the garden, watching them! 
25 Jun 2004

Sunday evening dreaming by joanie Word Count: 31

Flash Poetry Challenge 
30 Nov 2008

Sunday, 8.50pm by joanie Word Count: 42

Says it all, really! 
9 Mar 2008

Super-jumbo by joanie Word Count: 192

'News' excercise in Poetry Seminar. 
18 May 2006

surfing (cinquain) by joanie Word Count: 15

The cinquain exercise in Poetry Seminar. I have a feeling that this might change! (The 2-4-6-8-2 version) 
3 Jul 2006

Survival by joanie Word Count: 81

I just received a Christmas card from my uncle, well into his 80's, the last remaining brother of 13 children. He enclosed a photo of himself in Brisbane hospital, having been hit by a Kamikase bomber in the Philippines, during the war. It's funny how one is compelled to write something, whatever it is, at times! 
3 Dec 2005

Suspenders` Farewell by joanie Word Count: 12

For the Flash Poetry challenge this week. I hope it's not too obscure! Tell me if it is. 
27 Mar 2009

Tarry awhile by joanie Word Count: 12

Just wishing that, if you stayed up forever, tomorrow would never come! "To bed, to bed", said Sleepy Head; "Tarry awhile", said Slow. 
5 Jul 2005

Terzanelle: Capture by joanie Word Count: 151

Finally, my terzanelle. Traumatic but very satisfying! 
23 Oct 2004

Testing Times by joanie Word Count: 11

7 Feb 2005

Textually speaking by joanie Word Count: 104

For the Flash Poetry challenge. Not really a poem but I nearly missed the deadline! 
20 Sep 2008

The `flu` of a husband by joanie Word Count: 45

Poor thing!! 
9 Oct 2006

The 19.50 from Gatwick by joanie Word Count: 58

Observations last night. 
5 Nov 2006

The Colour of Marriage [Tritina (Market) exercise] by joanie Word Count: 76

A response to the exercise in Poetry Seminar 
7 Jul 2005

The colour of woman by joanie Word Count: 71

22 Aug 2004

The daily grind by joanie Word Count: 44

For the Flash Poetry challenge this week 
9 Mar 2009

The gods of WW by joanie Word Count: 71

A VERY swift response to okkervil's comment on Roovacrag's 'Snow is Falling', when he said that the WW Gods act fast!! 
18 Nov 2004

The joy of self-satisfaction by joanie Word Count: 136

It's a while since I posted one of my 'Just a Minutes' which I do for local radio from time to time. It's very different from my usual WW stuff, but it's 'fit for purpose'! If you fancy hearing it read aloud, it's available on 'Listen again' on manxradio.com after next Thursday! 
29 Mar 2008

The leisure which is weekend by joanie Word Count: 20

So sorry.... yet another one which questions one's priorities. 
20 Jan 2007

The light of day by joanie Word Count: 118

Flash poetry challenge 
15 Jun 2008

The loss of a sense of direction by joanie Word Count: 65

A response to Fevvers' "Room exercise" in the Poetry Seminar 
28 Apr 2004

The need to know by joanie Word Count: 73

7 May 2005

The power within by joanie Word Count: 58

Nothing specific 
28 Jun 2005

The Promise of Early Summer by joanie Word Count: 22

Suddenly everywhere is green. 
21 May 2006

The question of holidays by joanie Word Count: 38

6 Jan 2008

The re-working of a ring by joanie Word Count: 21

1 Mar 2008

The taming by joanie Word Count: 86

My 'Teeth' challenge on Flash Poetry. Not sure about this! 
26 Jun 2009

The unfolding of a season by joanie Word Count: 270

My attempt at the 20 point exercise in Poetry Seminar. 
4 Apr 2005

This petty pace by joanie Word Count: 24

It's been a long week.. 
22 Nov 2007

Through the Looking Glass by joanie Word Count: 99

I'm not quite sure what brought this one on! 
14 Oct 2004

Thunderstorm by joanie Word Count: 12

Scary weather this evening! 
8 Jan 2008

Tinges of summer by joanie Word Count: 175

A haibun - I hope! From the exercise in Poetry Seminar. A first attempt. I decided to intersperse haiku, with a 3-5-3 pattern..... not sure why! 
29 May 2005

Title tattle by joanie Word Count: 35

No - it isn't a spelling mistake! It was prompted by the question posed in Lounge Forum - 'Do your bookshelves reflect your life?' Each line is a title from my shelves - completely unaltered - nothing added, nothing taken away!  
8 Jun 2005

To rhyme or not to rhyme? by joanie Word Count: 105

a bit of fun really......because I love WW and what it has done for me. 
20 Nov 2004

To tattoo or not to tattoo by joanie Word Count: 44

I mean, whatever will it look like when you're 70?! - Alliteration gone mad. 
28 Sep 2004

Today by joanie Word Count: 11

1 Jul 2008

Top Gear Haiku by joanie Word Count: 20

The excitement is just unbelievable! I bet it's the first time Jeremy Clarkson's appeared in a haiku. 
21 May 2005

Tortured by joanie Word Count: 46

9 Jul 2005

Trappings and wrappings by joanie Word Count: 80

A few days late, I'm afraid. Perhaps I'll save it for next year! 
29 Dec 2004

Trees in winter - a haiku by joanie Word Count: 11

I haven't done a haiku for a while 
15 Dec 2004

True Identity by joanie Word Count: 139

I'm not sure about this one - I might disclose the 'story' behind it, but, at the moment, I am interested in any responses. 
24 May 2004

Trying to quit (a terzanelle) by joanie Word Count: 130

I'm not sure how this came about - I have never been a smoker! Anyway, a terzanelle, finally. I have deliberately changed the repeated lines slightly. 
10 Sep 2005

TV revolution by joanie Word Count: 6

Our poor old telly died last week. Within a few hours, we miraculously got a 42 inch monster! Out of my hands..... 
28 Mar 2006

Tyre pressure by joanie Word Count: 11

....just 'watching' the Grand Prix. 
22 Jul 2007

Under an umbrella by joanie Word Count: 92

This set out as the 'Contradictions' exercise in Poetry Seminar, but I think it lost its way! 
25 Apr 2006

Uneasy by joanie Word Count: 39

Flash Poetry Challenge Week 30 
20 Dec 2008

Urgent Call (Christmas Limerick) by joanie Word Count: 33

Like R-Poet, I just discovered that my limerick was read out on Christmas morning, Radio 4. Someone asked me this morning if it was me, and I didn't know! 
25 Jan 2005

Vegging by joanie Word Count: 26

Oh dear! I'm not sure where this came from! 
15 May 2007

Viens, Mallika by joanie Word Count: 9

Why bother spending ages getting the right flight times months in advance only to have BA cancel?! I have been trying to speak to someone for 30 minutes! Aaarggh! 
19 Jun 2007

Vision by joanie Word Count: 17

Feeling devoid of inspiration, looking out at the rain - it has just started. 
30 Aug 2006

Vocation by joanie Word Count: 22

As ever, around about this time of year, I just wonder why! 
16 Sep 2006

Waiting at arrivals by joanie Word Count: 50

...because I love meeting someone at the airport! 
28 Jul 2004

Watching the BAFTAs by joanie Word Count: 24

Enjoying a night in, blatantly ignoring the ironing basket. 
17 Apr 2005

We sinful women by joanie Word Count: 40

This is my first - NO! now my SECOND response to fevvers' exercise which we are doing in Poetry Seminar. I have changed the title.  
1 Feb 2005

What is it with snow? by joanie Word Count: 30

My SECOND attempt at the challenge in Flash Poetry 
7 Feb 2009

Whatever happened to George? by joanie Word Count: 62

....just occurred to me the other day... 
7 Apr 2005

When a `virus` strikes the conscientious by joanie Word Count: 13

For the challenge in Flash Poetry 
30 Nov 2012

When can I give up the day job? by joanie Word Count: 272

The names remain unchanged in order to incriminate the guilty. 
26 Jul 2004

When the phone rings at 3am by joanie Word Count: 36

This parent/child thing gets harder! I am so useless at titles - any ideas? 
23 May 2006

When thoughts turn by joanie Word Count: 38

Yet another result of gazing at the apple tree outside the window, looking for inspiration! 
18 Feb 2005

When Winter takes over by joanie Word Count: 18

I can't believe that I wasn't ecstatic when the sun shone this afternoon! 
26 Jan 2008

Where the heart is? by joanie Word Count: 15

15 Apr 2004

White socks by joanie Word Count: 170

Confessional - my attempt. 
22 Jan 2006

Wild side - Flash Poetry Challenge 12 by joanie Word Count: 287

A VERY strange journey! I am posting EVERYTHING - and I'm not finished yet! 
28 Jun 2008

Window dressing by joanie Word Count: 24

Nothing in particular... 
17 Jun 2008

Wiping the slate clean by joanie Word Count: 8

18 Feb 2008

Women`s things by joanie Word Count: 81

I make no apology for this! It was just a silly idea when I actually heard myself saying the first line during the course of conversation. 
17 Apr 2004

Xanthe Rose by joanie Word Count: 27

Very self-indulgent.... I couldn't resist; we see her very rarely! Online photos are wonderful things. 
3 Nov 2007

Xanthe, aged 18 months by joanie Word Count: 81

Family things!! 
26 Sep 2008

zephyr by joanie Word Count: 11

How beautiful was the air this evening? 
9 Oct 2007

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