Hidden depths
Posted: 22 May 2018 Word Count: 0 Summary: For the Flash Poetry challenge
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Hollow comments hang in the air. Niceties
rival honest truths. Open your heart to me.
Speak truth to yourself. We will address trouble
maybe, one day. We will trim our sails,
face up to the winds, while lies lurk in the depths.
One day, all be be revealed, but this boat is yet to sail.
Comments by other Members
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V`yonne at 17:23 on 23 May 2018
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The ,lines that strike me most are
Open your heart to me.
Speak truth to yourself.
and ah yes -- how often we don't! A very honest poem and a good take on the challenge.
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Bazz at 14:54 on 24 May 2018
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Lot of subtlety to this, Joanie,
I really like
Speak truth to yourself.
We will address trouble
a pleading for truth, to cut through to something real amidst the bluster of something fake and false, intriguing.
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Thomas Norman at 19:13 on 24 May 2018
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Joanie I like how this poem is very simple (not nastly meant) it states its message with no frills. TRUTH, why is it so difficult?
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crowspark at 11:37 on 25 May 2018
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This is very effective, Joanie
Hollow comments hang
in the air. Niceties
rival honest truths.
Open your heart to me.
Speak truth to yourself.
We will address trouble
Nice nautical allusions in
We will trim our sails,
face up to the winds,
while lies lurk in the depths.
I particularly like the idea of lies circling like sharks about the boat.
Thanks for sharing.
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joanie at 12:39 on 25 May 2018
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Thank you, Bill. I hadn't visualised the lies as sharks! Thanks for reading.
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FelixBenson at 18:58 on 27 May 2018
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Very atmospheric, Joanie. I like how delicate it is - those same lines that Oonah highlighted are the ones that stood out for me
Open your heart to me.
Speak truth to yourself.
I also loved the line
we will trim our sails
It is wonderful - says so much in the context of a poem like this - without many words.
Loved this.
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