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Name Jo-Ann Newton
User Name Jojovits1
Specialism Various
Groups Poetry Writers Group   Flash Fiction   Flash Poetry  
Location South East
Interests Reading, writing (of course), live comedy and knitting
Profile I used to be an avid writer when I was much younger but when teenage angst left me, I seemed to lose the drive although I never lost the love of the written word. Recently, through the enthusiasm of a good friend who also writes, I seem to have got the bug again. I would welcome any advice that helps me on my journey to get back in the saddle.

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Diffraction by Jojovits1 Word Count: 75

I am so angry over the whole US Roe v Wade thing but my biggest worry is where will it end as I suspect same sex marriage might be the next thing 
25 Jun 2022

Muse by Jojovits1 Word Count: 64

for this week's prompt 
5 Jun 2022

No Dancing On Sundays by Jojovits1 Word Count: 72

No idea if this is the correct form but I read up and it might hit the mark. Mum used to tell me about when she would hide her dance shoes in the hedge to pick up later because she wasn't allowed to go dancing on a Sunday :-) 
10 May 2022

Arrival by Jojovits1 Word Count: 55

I got a few in. When I arrived in London, at 18, I still remember it being the loneliest feeling in the world. Still no idea why I didn't hop on the next coach back home! Couldn't have been that bad though, 33 years later and I'm still down here :-) 
30 Apr 2022

Abbie`s Present by Jojovits1 Word Count: 446

for this week's Flash 
6 Apr 2022

Covid by Jojovits1 Word Count: 34

10 days in, still testing positive....yawn! 
6 Apr 2022

Stop The Noise by Jojovits1 Word Count: 57

we find our peace where we can 
19 Mar 2022

Scotland by Jojovits1 Word Count: 52

I never meant to leave for long and always meant to go back but life often doesn't go to plan. 
13 Mar 2022

Let Down Your Hair by Jojovits1 Word Count: 90

I'm sorry - I asked you to extend but I don't think I hit the brief at all in the end....but this is what came out of it :-) 
28 Feb 2022

Tempting Fate by Jojovits1 Word Count: 134

For this week's challenge...all about the Moirai, The Three Fates. 
19 Feb 2022

Flying Ointment by Jojovits1 Word Count: 854

Flying ointment in witchcraft helps you seek the truth..but do we always want it? 
15 Jan 2022

What are little girls made of? by Jojovits1 Word Count: 47

For this week's challenge 
15 Jan 2022

Short Rains by Jojovits1 Word Count: 63

18 Dec 2021

I`m Getting A Tummy For Christmas by Jojovits1 Word Count: 111

True story!! 
1 Dec 2021

Gas! Gas! Gas! by Jojovits1 Word Count: 63

WW1 was my go to for this one too 
21 Nov 2021

The Tipping Point by Jojovits1 Word Count: 130

For this week's challenge (finally got some time to write something)! How much longer are we going to put up with these idiots fudging the figures, ignoring the data and generally putting wealth above health? 
16 Sep 2021

For this week`s challenge by Jojovits1 Word Count: 94

I'm away at the weekend to the Isle of Wight...little get away while we can. I've been trying to do more and will add to it if anything comes but so far, this is my effort :-) 
2 Aug 2021

Rebirth by Jojovits1 Word Count: 88

A bit of a tenuous link to this week's challenge! But this is what came to my head. 
11 Jul 2021

Our Journey by Jojovits1 Word Count: 60

I hardly recognise the 24 yr old who chatted me up in the pub but 30 yrs later, he's still my everything. Not been plain sailing (what relationship is?) but totally worth it 
23 Apr 2021

First Communion by Jojovits1 Word Count: 102

Tenuous link with Oonah's challenge. In our "thingy drawer" when I was little, was mum's button box. As well as buttons, there were findings and beads and lace and all sorts that she used for crafting, knitting and sewing. It reminded me of my first communion dress that she made me. I wish I could post pics - I look so angelic! :-) 
17 Apr 2021

The Rosebud Egg by Jojovits1 Word Count: 89

This was the first Faberge egg that Nicholas presented to Alexandra and it was to welcome her to the monarchy after Nicholas ascended the throne. There were some surprises inside - a yellow rose bud (yellow roses were the most valued in Germany) which held a diamond crown and a pendant. 
4 Apr 2021

Seaside ghosts by Jojovits1 Word Count: 90

Like a lot of seaside towns, my home town is a very bleak shadow of what it was like in its hay day.  
15 Mar 2021

Gingerbread Walls by Jojovits1 Word Count: 42

Well this was much, much harder than I thought! 
28 Feb 2021

Family Portrait by Jojovits1 Word Count: 141

Had a chat on FaceTime with my brother today. Every now and then it hits me in a flash, how much he looks like my dad! 
14 Feb 2021

Birds in Paradise by Jojovits1 Word Count: 100

My dad used to dance with me when I was little to an awful song called “May the Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose”. An awful song but an abiding memory. 
7 Feb 2021

Some limericks for this week’s challenge by Jojovits1 Word Count: 92

Bit late to the party this week :-) 
22 Nov 2020

Magic Exists by Jojovits1 Word Count: 70

For this week’s prompt and a lot more practical than my usual Halloween shenanigans. With another lockdown looming, I take peace from the little things and the comfortable things. For me, that’s magic.  
31 Oct 2020

Hell`s Kitchen by Jojovits1 Word Count: 121

Something silly and light. I have an irrational hatred of cooking certain things. Pork chops is high on the list - too much effort, too little pay back. Dippy eggs is on there too and the smell of HP sauce makes me want to heave - unless it's on mince and tatties or a corned beef sandwich. I can also have it on a ham sandwich (but only if there is no butter). I'm a foodie weirdo! 
17 Oct 2020

History Books by Jojovits1 Word Count: 82

I know this isn't going to last forever and I'm a huge mask and distance fan - but I miss not caring and I miss the certainty that this is not going to be life for a long, long time. 
3 Oct 2020

Pina Roses by Jojovits1 Word Count: 89

My mum had a Pina rose bush (never knew if that was the right name or if the Scottish had bastardised it a little - turns out, it was!!) that she loved. It was fresh and lovely while I was similar...it got a bit run down when mum was on her own and then it went. It was definitely after I moved away. It witnessed a lot! I was sick on it once (sorry) and fell on it and played with it...I was a strange kid :-) 
1 Jul 2020

Tiny Little World by Jojovits1 Word Count: 115

Lockdown with me working from home in a one bed flat and hubby having to breathe the same air - with no escape. Help please. I feel it's either too long or too condensed, missing the point and need to fix! 
11 May 2020

17 by Jojovits1 Word Count: 45

I was lucky enough spend most of my Saturday nights with the best people in the world at one of the biggest rock venues in the West of Scotland. It really was my tribe. We had a reunion a few years ago and I was begging to go home to bed at 1am! If I could have one night to go back though, I'd go back to being 17. One night would be enough, mind! :-) 
10 May 2020

For this week`s challenge by Jojovits1 Word Count: 346

I am working and it's been manic! Apologies, I have dashed these off with a view to working on them :-) 
10 Apr 2020

When The Clocks Change by Jojovits1 Word Count: 58

Strange times. I read about a fairy ring tonight. Apparently all who dance within a fairy ring, under a new moon can be lost in time and place...never to return. Feels a bit like that right now.  
21 Mar 2020

Stray by Jojovits1 Word Count: 54

Ok, this is smaltz but my boy gave me inspiration (albeit badly written). My cat was a rescue. He had sores and hardly any teeth. He was a sorry sight. Four years on he's still a poorly sod! I remember when we went to meet him, I expected a bedraggled little ginger heap but we walked through the door and he was sitting upright, eyes bright, looking so hopeful. I fell in love at that moment and even though he is a vetinary money pit, I have not fallen out of it yet. 
26 Nov 2019

The Contract by Jojovits1 Word Count: 537

I Googled "Predictions for the world in 100 yrs". It was scary stuff! One of the predictions was that marriage would not be infinite but would be to contracted time scales. Then I thought of this... 
26 Nov 2019

Retrograde by Jojovits1 Word Count: 37

We're in another Mercury retrograde (often mentioned by me as "another bloody retrograde"). Stuff just goes wrong, travel plans in particular and as a dedicated passenger, this can be tedious. However, it can also be a time of looking back and reflecting. I've been doing 13 hour days this week (stock take), stressing and eating my feelings, so I'm obviously still in a bit of a retrogrady mood :-) 
15 Nov 2019

Fr Colin Regrets by Jojovits1 Word Count: 746

My first offering...eeek! 
4 Nov 2019

The Thinning Of The Veil by Jojovits1 Word Count: 145

For this week's prompt. Couldn't let Halloween go by without entering :-) 
2 Nov 2019

The Wizard by Jojovits1 Word Count: 41

I only remembered this a short while ago. When I was very little, my brother used to tell me that he knew a wizard and that one day he would take me to him. I must have been about seven and he would have been sixteen. Amazing what you'll tell kids to get them to behave! 
19 Apr 2019

Brave New World? by Jojovits1 Word Count: 74

For Flash. Posting to poetry group as it needs a tidy! X 
18 Feb 2019

The Wardrobe by Jojovits1 Word Count: 119

I was a messy child (hell, I'm a messy adult!). I was forever being told to tidy my wardrobe as it was just a jumble of clothes, toys, books etc. This was one of those council house (storage was always better) jobs that you could climb into and get lost. And I did. Frequently. I went back when we were clearing the house when mum moved to Oz. The wardrobe was full of her clothes now and very neat but my chalked sayings and love hearts were still there, 30-40 yrs on. :-) 
7 Feb 2019

Where Is My Haunting? by Jojovits1 Word Count: 298

Very, very rough but I needed to get something on paper...so it might not make any sense at all! 
19 Jan 2019

True Story by Jojovits1 Word Count: 139

When one year disappoints, there's alway the next :-) 
12 Jan 2019

Smells like October by Jojovits1 Word Count: 115

October, to me, has a smell. I can recognise it anywhere (and it doesn't need to be October to smell it). It heralds the end of summer and the begining of autumn. It reminds me that Halloween is round the corner. I love the smell and it makes me not miss summer :-) 
29 Aug 2018

Godless Fruit by Jojovits1 Word Count: 69

For last week's Flash. Thought I'd pop it on here :-) 
28 Jun 2018

For this week`s prompt by Jojovits1 Word Count: 64

Worrying how my mind focuses on political and kinky at the same time 
28 Jun 2017

Sloth by Jojovits1 Word Count: 69

Sloth is not a sin of doing something bad - rather a sin of not doing something. Sloth is a sin of omitting responsibilities. Sometimes feels like God has retired and left us to it. 
21 Jan 2017

All The Pretty Colours by Jojovits1 Word Count: 40

For Flash! The colours reminded me of pills and the need for a pill to counteract some effects of a pill...not that I'm on anti depressants - I have wine! :-) 
26 Nov 2016

Monster by Jojovits1 Word Count: 137

For this week's Flash ;-) 
12 Nov 2016

The 45% by Jojovits1 Word Count: 83

Indy ref was a complete awakening for me, politically. I became galvanised by what I believed was right for my family and friends in Scotland. Some family and friends did not have the same view so it was a bit tricky but there you go. I remember getting up at 3.30 to watch the votes come in and getting a hug from my husband before I left for work (crying) at 5, even though he did not agree with me. It was said that it was a once in a lifetime vote. I don't think it will be. 
8 Oct 2016

Sissi Sea by Jojovits1 Word Count: 61

I've just been to Crete for the umpteenth time. I love it there. My favourite thing is sitting by the sea and watching. Not people watching. Sea watching. This was the only thing I wrote in a fortnight (it was a very lazy holiday) and it needs work. It may need binning! :-) Let me know either way. 
29 Sep 2016

Summer `83 by Jojovits1 Word Count: 113

I was 13 and a very "angsty" teenager :-)! I remember sitting on a wall in the sun at the end of our road and thinking, "I wish I was 16 and this would all be done". Idiot! :-)  
20 Jul 2016

Brig O`Doon by Jojovits1 Word Count: 74

My favourite place. On Sundays my best friend and I would go walking up to Alloway and eat sandwiches and soup on the bridge. Happy times!  
5 Jul 2016

Remembering the Somme by Jojovits1 Word Count: 75

Letters home x 
2 Jul 2016

Notes from the past by Jojovits1 Word Count: 45

Very, very flash...here for rework :-) 
17 Apr 2016

Bury The Bodies by Jojovits1 Word Count: 94

For this week's flash and in light of yesterday's protest 
10 Apr 2016

Eggs Mislaid by Jojovits1 Word Count: 120

For this week's Flash 
25 Mar 2016

Hyphenated by Jojovits1 Word Count: 106

For this weeks flash 
12 Mar 2016

For Lynn by Jojovits1 Word Count: 60

My best friend has been a source of love, laughter, support and inspiration for years. One of the strongest and most talented people I know. For all her struggles, she's worked her backside off to come out the other side and still be amazing and strong and compassionate and funny! When we were teenagers I idolised her. She was everything I wanted to be and did everything I wanted to do. She still does. x 
22 Jan 2016

The House of Treasure by Jojovits1 Word Count: 114

Sixteen and studying, my next door neighbour asked me to stand in for her for a couple of days tending an old gentleman who lived in the "big house" down the road. Never knew much about him. The house was like a museum. It fascinated me for years and I never forgot him (also it was a shocking revelation to a sixteen yr old, seeing a 90 yr olds "bits") 
5 Nov 2015

Burning by Jojovits1 Word Count: 176

Originally for the Halloween Flash Challenge! Messed about with it a bit so again, all comments and suggestions gratefully received! 
31 Oct 2015

Family day by Jojovits1 Word Count: 81

Continuing on from Daddy's girl 
29 Aug 2015

Daddy`s Girl by Jojovits1 Word Count: 82

2 Aug 2015

Now and Then by Jojovits1 Word Count: 64

For the Flash Poetry prompt 300 
11 Jul 2015

The Wind by Jojovits1 Word Count: 83

I love the sound of the wind. She always comes across to me as some sort of sprite, playful or angry, depending on her mood! 
9 Jun 2015

Jesus Bought Me A Ten Pence Mix Up by Jojovits1 Word Count: 314

Going to the sweet shop with my nanny after mass 
7 Jun 2015

The Cat by Jojovits1 Word Count: 94

Felines are picky but they love the ones they love... 
23 May 2015

The Ring by Jojovits1 Word Count: 331

Version 3 accepted by TLW :-) 
8 May 2015

Shores by Jojovits1 Word Count: 272

Remembering walking along the beach in the early hours with a good friend years ago and dreaming about the future. 
17 Apr 2015

Obsession by Jojovits1 Word Count: 348

Dark, disfunctional love 
13 Apr 2015

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