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Member Since: 24 February 2003
Last visited: 29 January 2008
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Moth by Jabulani Word Count: 50

21 Feb 2007

The Siren by Jabulani Word Count: 76

Before you all move on to the next exercise....wait for me!! I've finally managed to produce something for the 'Metre Exercise'. I think it will be pretty obvious to everyone where the rythm comes from and maybe some of the sentiment is the same? In fact some of the words are the same too....but don't worry there is a new angle.. 
30 Mar 2005

At the Edge by Jabulani Word Count: 53

A little tale of unspoken love..... 
28 Mar 2005

In The Half-Sleep by Jabulani Word Count: 32

24 Mar 2005

Dust by Jabulani Word Count: 314

Exercise 4. 
21 Jul 2003

Beds 3.....a fantasy by Jabulani Word Count: 120

15 Jul 2003

The bed I sleep in now by Jabulani Word Count: 95
1  Comment

Having read Boo's wonderful warm image of a bed with nightly visitors, I couln't resist trying to express the other side of life with small children.....that comes with exhaustion 
6 Jul 2003

Fangle and Dink Wait Up for Santa by Jabulani Word Count: 296

I have been brewing an idea of a series of stories about an adventurous hamster...inspired by our own which has managed to escape his cage and go on the rampage regardless of what obstacles we put in his way. Here is my first go at an opener....aimed at 4-7 year olds.....will need good illustration 
3 Jul 2003

Winter 1978, England by Jabulani Word Count: 94

Inspired by other's attempts I thought I would have another go at this exercise; capturing feelings from a time that I don't specially like to think back to when my family first came to England. 
30 Jun 2003

Rhodesia 1975 by Jabulani Word Count: 97

This is in response to Anna's exercise of 'a childhood bed'. 
23 Jun 2003

The end of everything by Jabulani Word Count: 717

This is the first passage, although not necessarily the start of a book I want to write. It will explore issues to do with identity and belonging and is set around the story of a brother and sister who grow up in different worlds after the brother goes/is sent(?) to Africa as a Fairbridge boy. Later their lives will cross over again. It is inspired by my family's own experiences. 
13 Apr 2003

Road to Pungwe Drift by Jabulani Word Count: 523

Not stricly fiction, this piece is more from memory. However, I am hoping it is the start of something more. 
27 Mar 2003

Letting Go by Jabulani Word Count: 209

I have chosen this as my first piece of work to go public with. Written a few years ago I realise it unfashionably is in rhyme but I hope the rhythm adds some atmosphere rather than merely distracts. It is the tension and stictness of a tightrope versus the swing and flight of the trapeze. Symbols of a personal approach to life. 
10 Mar 2003

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