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Newcomers Forum

If you are a newcomer to the site please ask any questions here. Our site hosts are on hand to help you out.


Sort By:     Author Replies Last Activity Hits
   •  Writers Bureau Course
Hi everyone, I got all excited earlier in th...
 kris  (3) 0 1/11/2007 870
   •  Wrietrs Bureau Course
Hi everyone, I got all excited earlier in th...
 kris  (3) 1 31/10/2007 828
   •  Release Forms & Trident Media Group
Dear all, I hope you can help, you've bee...
 crimson petal  (7) 3 30/10/2007 2095
   •  Greetings from Sunny Swansea
I need help. I typed "desperate, wannabe wri...
 SharkyJack  (4) 2 30/10/2007 1020
   •  Copyright mark
I've forgotten how to copyright from my k...
 foundit  (592) 8 29/10/2007 2201
   •  hello and help!     1   2  
Hello all - Discovering this website was a ma...
 susieangela  (7285) 17 24/10/2007 2860
   •  New girl on the block....
Hi Guys, Just a few lines to introduce myself...
 Jill Lanchbery  (169) 2 23/10/2007 878
   •  Is there anybody out there?     1   2  
Just signed up and want to see how this all w...
 Ruby Blue  (10) 24 23/10/2007 4902
   •  I`m doing short story and flash ficiton.
I don't know what to do when sending in ...
 tusker  (24738) 1 15/10/2007 843
   •  I`m doing short story and flash ficiton.
I don't know what to do when sending in ...
 tusker  (24738) 0 15/10/2007 1058
   •  Hello. A newbie not sure where to post!
Hello everyone. I finally signed up for full...
 bevly  (381) 9 13/10/2007 1214
   •  worst book ever written     1   2  
As part of my novel, the main character is co...
 Mitten1  (5) 24 7/10/2007 5318
   •  Secret agents     1   2  
Dear all, I'm new to the site, in need o...
 crimson petal  (7) 21 6/10/2007 3213
Hi to all....... I joined last week and have ...
 manicmuse  (1947) 9 5/10/2007 1003
   •  Mentoring schemes
Hi. I am considering a creative course with t...
 Marlo  (199) 6 27/9/2007 1347

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