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  • Release Forms & Trident Media Group
    by crimson petal at 18:44 on 30 October 2007
    Dear all, I hope you can help, you've been great in the past! I posted here a few weeks ago looking for more ideas about agents to send my childrens' book too, and someone suggested querying agents in the US. The children's agent from Trident Media Group has responded to my email query with a request for a full (bit suprising) and asking me to sign a release form. Should I be concerned about the release form bit and does anyone know anything about Trident, please? In the meantime I'm off to rewrite my manuscript...!
  • Re: Release Forms & Trident Media Group
    by EmmaD at 18:50 on 30 October 2007
    Crimson petal, what kind of thing does the release form say?

    I've heard of things like this that are basically covering their back, in case your book's about an orphan earwig, and they've got a movie about an orphan earwig in development, and three years from now you sue them for plagiarism?

  • Re: Release Forms & Trident Media Group
    by crimson petal at 19:36 on 30 October 2007
    Dear Emma, I hope you don't mind, I've pasted the release form on an WWmail and sent it to you. It seems fairly standard stuff but they do want to cover their backs for "similar material" handled by them popping up elsewhere in the future. On the Absolute Write forum Trident gets the thumbs up but any other insight would be great.
  • Re: Release Forms & Trident Media Group
    by EmmaD at 19:52 on 30 October 2007
    I've mailed you
