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Name Bill West
User Name crowspark
Specialism Fiction
Groups Flash Fiction   Flash Poetry   Poetry Seminar   Poetry Writers Group  
Location British Isles
Interests Poetry, micro fiction and flash fiction
Profile As a child Bill wrote stories in a tool-shed. Eventually he was let out. As a schoolboy he was told he had a remarkable talent. He still doesn`t know what they meant. As a teenager he wrote poetry and received encouragement from poet and writer, John Pudney. He studied English at Hull University.

Latest Work

Patron Saint of Roundabouts by crowspark Word Count: 66

Only one word used :( 
21 Jul 2024

From Plynlimon to the Severn Sea by crowspark Word Count: 49

This was written in appreciation of our longest river. There is a statue of Sabrina in the Dingle Park in Shrewsbury. Until Tudor times the Bristol Channel was known as the Severn Sea 
21 Apr 2024

Gorse for courage by crowspark Word Count: 91

For the word list aspect of Oonah's challenge but in keeping with February. 
11 Feb 2024

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