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   •  Short fiction recommendations     1   2   3  
I've decided I don't read as much rea...
 EmmaD  (28274) 42 27/7/2007 8280
   •  Peter Tinniswood
Is anyone else a fan of this writer? His char...
 Lammi  (2809) 0 24/7/2007 1352
   •  Scar Night - Alan Campbell
If anyone fancies a superlative dark fantasy ...
 Account Closed  (16340) 2 23/7/2007 1020
   •  Brilliant book...
Oh my God!!! Has anyone ever read "Shantaram"...
 Ava  (3269) 4 23/7/2007 1061
   •  The Book Thief
Has anyone read this? I discovered it in a bo...
 MF  (7908) 1 9/7/2007 1007
   •  How do you arrange your books?     1   2  
Okay, so long story short and having finally ...
 EmmaD  (28274) 16 8/7/2007 2913
   •  After the Hole
Has anyone read this? The b/f finally convinc...
 MF  (7908) 0 22/6/2007 1130
   •  Mr Phillips by John Lanchester
Just coming to the end of it and I think it&#...
 rogernmorris  (4257) 5 28/5/2007 1381
   •  You know when you`ve just finished a terrific book -     1   2  
- and you don't want it to end, so you go...
 EmmaD  (28274) 27 21/5/2007 4679
   •  Eragon
Has been flying out of the shop here, and now...
 Steerpike`s sister  (15229) 15 21/5/2007 2453
   •  Larry McMurtry fans
I have searched high and low for fellow Larry...
 Gillian75  (5454) 5 15/5/2007 1311
   •  7 reasons you should read Kurt Vonnegut`s `Breakfast of Champions`
I said I'd reacquaint myself with some Ku...
 Lammi  (2809) 1 7/5/2007 1432
   •  GH Book Day
Well, you missed a treat if you didn't go...
 EmmaD  (28274) 5 5/5/2007 1177
   •  Free champagne! and literature too
I just got this and thopught I'd share it...
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 0 26/4/2007 1185
   •  Poets (and non-poets too)
Very interesting edition of Radio 4's ...
 Lammi  (2809) 0 26/4/2007 1076

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