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Inspiration & Ideas Forum

Creativity discussions - the place to find and pass on inspiration.


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   •  When a child misses his/her Mom.
Hi Everybody, I got stuck here. My characte...
 Mox  (1949) 6 15/11/2010 3394
   •  NaNoWriMo - anyone signing up this year?     1   2   3  
Hi Everyone, I was reading about NaNoWriMo ...
 DAscroft  (30) 41 8/11/2010 5887
   •  using pictures to practise plotting
Last night I ran a workshop with some novelis...
 rogernmorris  (4257) 5 5/11/2010 1203
   •  Nano cheer
To all those starting Nano today (I'll jo...
 cherys  (4973) 5 2/11/2010 1619
   •  PiBoIdMo
Here's a link to the picture book equival...
 LizM  (516) 0 1/11/2010 1318
   •  Fiction Villians - Punishment or Redemption?
The subject could possibly be a good title of...
 Dwriter  (496) 10 28/10/2010 3390
   •  Once, panelling thyme, ego wars...
Hi, I've put in a group proposal for "O...
 GaiusCoffey  (7396) 0 23/10/2010 1144
   •  Fantasy WW2 stories
Does anyone know where I can find stories, wh...
 AuraTodd  (30) 9 19/10/2010 3285
   •  writers on writing
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 2 4/10/2010 1693
   •  Proposed Group
Hello, I've already posted this in the P...
 Katerina  (9816) 0 14/8/2010 1054
   •  Wrote 50 pages - how do I write the rest?     1   2  
How do I get on with the next 50 pages? So I ...
 Pocahontas  (12) 18 4/8/2010 4005
   •  saw this on Facebook, ironically...
 Steerpike`s sister  (15229) 10 1/8/2010 1733
   •  Male and female perspectives on writing and reading fiction     1   2  
Some of you may have seen this jokey item whi...
 debac  (5021) 16 29/7/2010 9916
   •  Urgent help please - what do you want to hear from a writing speaker?
So... you're at your local writers' g...
 debac  (5021) 11 4/7/2010 1912
   •  different genre     1   2  
I am currently plotting out a fantasy novel, ...
 Lucy_Louise  (133) 16 3/7/2010 3583

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