Reading, writing, watching films and spending time with my family.
I enjoy writing short pieces of historical fiction and fantasy. Have had one story published in an anthology.
Personal Blog Posts
The Picts
For some time I've been wanting to write fiction based on the Picts, whose kingdom encompassed most of Scotland in the Dark Ages. Until now, however, I've struggled to think of a way to introduce them. They remain a relatively obscure race from a ... ( from ...)
For some time I've been wanting to write fiction based on the Picts, whose kingdom encompassed most of Scotland in the Dark Ages. Until now, however, I've struggled to think of a way to introduce them. They remain a relatively obscure race from a shadowy time. I think the following piece solves this problem.
What I'd love to know is does it evoke the time, place and people intended? Is it clear we're in post-Roman Britain, I suppose, is the most important question. Thanks.
19 Aug 2008
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