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   •  "Light doesn`t have to mean stupid"     1   2  
 EmmaD  (28274) 23 3/4/2011 5952
   •  House or Window Flies John Clare     1   2  
Was preparing a workshop for children tomorro...
 cherys  (4973) 21 11/3/2011 4168
   •  Six minutes of joy: Judith Kerr
talking about When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, ...
 EmmaD  (28274) 3 26/1/2011 1519
   •  Is anyone else reading Merchants of Culture?
I've just started it... wondered if anyon...
 Steerpike`s sister  (15229) 4 5/9/2010 1325
   •  What is the title of this 70`s children`s fantasy picture book?
I've searched and searched the internet b...
 haunted  (1401) 1 15/8/2010 1891
   •  How easy can it be writing a top selling novel?
I hate to admit it, but I love Twilight... T...
 Pocahontas  (12) 13 30/7/2010 2427
   •  The Lost Booker
Because of a change in the rules, a years-wor...
 EmmaD  (28274) 5 16/2/2010 1474
   •  Niall Griffiths
Anyone know what's happened to this chap?...
 Turner Stiles  (636) 2 26/1/2010 1291
   •  The Road
Just read this- for fans of the novel, or Vig...
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 0 5/1/2010 1336
   •  bad sex in fiction award nominees     1   2  
 Skippoo  (5291) 20 28/11/2009 4684
   •  Writers reading and talking about writers.
Orhan Pamuk reads Vladimir Nabokov, Joyce Car...
 EmmaD  (28274) 0 24/11/2009 1330
   •  Dostoevsky on `literary types`
From The Demons (aka The Devils, or The Posse...
 rogernmorris  (4257) 5 30/9/2009 1312
   •  Night Train to Lisbon
This is probably a stupid question but has an...
 SarahT  (3460) 2 21/9/2009 1244
   •  Two Caravans
I've just finished- and quite loved- this...
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 2 9/9/2009 1442
   •  The Behaviour of Moths (UK) aka The Sister (US)by Poppy Adams
Has anyone read this?...
 Account Closed  (1392) 10 5/9/2009 2109

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