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  • What is the title of this 70`s children`s fantasy picture book?
    by haunted at 14:31 on 15 August 2010
    I've searched and searched the internet but can't find any sign of this book anywhere. Help!

    As a child I remember reading a book about a young girl who visits a magic show and ends up being whisked into a magical land (along with a horse) after being asked to take part in the act. She and the horse (which can now talk) meet a few new friends (one reminded me of Stan Laurel) and then journey through a series of strange lands - I can recall a land which made everyone very depressed and another that was filled with bureaucratic egg-like people - all in order to save the world from an invasion of giant spiders. I think they were also searching for the magician's golden key, which they needed in order to return home.

    I also recall that it was a rather large, board-backed book and it might have been called something like The Magician's Key.

    Sound familiar to anyone? I would ask my mum but that would mean speaking to her and I doubt that she would remember it anyway.

    I really hope somebody here had this book. I'd love to get hold of it again.
  • Re: What is the title of this 70`s children`s fantasy picture book?
    by Steerpike`s sister at 19:39 on 15 August 2010
    No, but it sounds great!

    I would ask my mum but that would mean speaking to her

    Lol. I feel your pain.