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Inspiration & Ideas Forum

Creativity discussions - the place to find and pass on inspiration.


Sort By:     Author Replies Last Activity Hits
   •  Research question
I am writing a story about a fruit/veg buyer ...
 debac  (5021) 4 23/5/2013 1453
   •  How can I put this . . . ?
I want to write 'holding a cooling cup of...
 wordsmithereen  (73) 4 17/5/2013 1407
   •  "Who is the judge that sits perpetually in your head?"
"Who is the judge that sits perpetually in yo...
 EmmaD  (28274) 7 17/5/2013 1899
   •  Location of Victorian fireplaces
Just coming to the final edit on my wip, and ...
 LorraineC  (8661) 7 9/5/2013 6616
   •  I love my Kindle
I've been preparing my current wip for su...
 LorraineC  (8661) 7 28/4/2013 1431
   •  Courtesy of Birmingham City Council recycling department
I've just seen a dustcart go past with a ...
 alexhazel  (4674) 4 26/4/2013 2075
   •  Edward Albee: Masterclass
I recommend to this to all writers, not just ...
 wordsmithereen  (73) 2 6/4/2013 1333
   •  18 obselete words for you bookwrights
 Account Closed  (10697) 3 25/3/2013 1935
   •  Helen Simpson short story; for Mother`s Day
Loved this and wanted to share it- Helen Simp...
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 1 12/3/2013 2282
   •  Daily inspiration     1   2  
Every day this year I've been photographi...
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 16 1/2/2013 4163
   •  Favourite quotes- writers on writing     1   2  
I'd like to start a new thread that every...
 Anna Reynolds  (5158) 20 1/12/2012 6489
   •  The function of misery for writers     1   2  
Having decided to jettison my shitty first dr...
 Toast  (228) 25 23/8/2012 7771
   •  Name my aliens!
Hi everyone, how do I name my alien race? Eve...
 AdaB  (127) 4 22/8/2012 2106
   •  futuristic dystopias - your favourites?     1   2  
I want to read a stack of them this year and ...
 cherys  (4973) 19 21/8/2012 7318
   •  The big questions
I've come to the realisation that quite a...
 Steerpike`s sister  (15229) 8 21/8/2012 2050

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