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  • Name my aliens!
    by AdaB at 18:52 on 21 August 2012
    Hi everyone,
    how do I name my alien race? Everything I think of turns out to be too similar to something else someone else has written. I think the problem is, I've read too much science-fiction and now its impossible not to plagarise!

    Any ideas?
  • Re: Name my aliens!
    by Toast at 20:33 on 21 August 2012
    What a fab question!

    A quick google turned up a brute-force approach provided by an article from Recreational Computing that generates names:


    but I wonder if there's a better version like those programmes that generate your hooker name from the name of your first pet and the street where you first lived, etc.

    Anyway, here's a couple more alien-naming sites:


  • Re: Name my aliens!
    by GaiusCoffey at 21:29 on 21 August 2012
    You will probably never see a race of peaceful agrarians with names such as "Gorthog" or "Churgzak," nor will you ever see a race of bloody warriors with names like "Mathiella" or "Farlian". You can bet that someplace called "Jakrizag" isn't going to be a world of green meadows and fluffy bunnies.

    So true.
  • Re: Name my aliens!
    by AdaB at 23:36 on 21 August 2012
    Thank you so much Toast.

    I had considered naming them Toastarians, but then I thought, nah...

    Seriously, they now have a name for their species, and a home planet. I've even checked its not a rude word in other languages.
  • Re: Name my aliens!
    by Toast at 12:53 on 22 August 2012
    I had considered naming them Toastarians, but then I thought, nah...

    Have to say I agree - they would sound like a race that just sits around on the sofa eating, well, toast and watching Midsomer Murders.

    Seriously, they now have a name for their species, and a home planet. I've even checked its not a rude word in other languages.

    I think that's essential and it's a pity that other authors don't have your forward-lookingness. Norwegian Jo Nesbo's thriller hero is called Harry Hole, even though JN speaks perfect English and must have known. Very unfortunate.