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Biography, memoir & family history writing

Summary:  Biography, memoir & family history writing.     
Type:  One to One Email Correspondence
Duration:  10 weeks.
Fee:  £240

A course for those interested in writing biography, memoir & family history, whether for publication or personal pleasure.

How does this course work?

  • Having enrolled on the course, the student completes a simple questionnaire in order to provide the tutor with an idea of what the student wants the course to achieve and the prefered timescale.
  • The tutor responds with a summary of the anticipated course structure, based on the student's requirements.
  • When both parties are happy to proceed, the tutor sets the first task.
  • The student returns the task by the agreed time and receives feedback and a new task.
  • The process repeats
  • Tasks may be writing exercises, or they may be based directly on the student's work, for example, suggestions as to how to rework a passage.
  • Throughout there is the opportunity for dialogue via e-mail – the course is intended to be interactive and personal.

Areas covered

  • Organizing data
  • Making links
  • ‘Fleshing out’ – emotions, weather etc
  • Research
  • Self-publishing


This is essentially an on-line, individually-tailored course. We will not burden you with weighty manuals and reference books. The process is a meeting of minds, not a pre-programmed series of chores. The student is, however, free to utilise the advice provided by the tutor in any way best suited to promoting the aims of the course, including printing out and keeping material.

Duration and cost

Each course runs for 10 weeks, within a maximum period of three months. The course is structured as a series of tasks with feedback and comment from the tutor between each task. The tutor will allocate one hour on an agreed day each week to comment on and respond to work and to set new tasks. We estimate that you should allow between 2-4 hours per week to get the most from your course. We recommend taking the course in successive weeks to ensure focus is maintained. Where this is not possible, the 10 weeks can be spread out over a maximum period of three months .