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Member Since: 31 July 2003
Last visited: 26 October 2006
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100+Reader107 Points 10 Years!
Name Sivakumar Ramachandran
User Name Ganesh
Specialism Film/TV
Location Ireland
Profile I have been writing comedy sketch, tv, radio, stage and film scripts since I was very young but I`ve not has any success. Myself and a friend wrote a screenplay which has gone to a producer in Ireland and the BBC, so we`re just waiting to see what happens. TV is my main interest though.

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Chance Meeting by Ganesh Word Count: 1467

Hi Everyone This is a 7-10 minute 2 hander play I wrote and co-starred in, at a Theatre in Dublin last June. The feedback was quite good, but I'll let you judge for yourself. Sorry to those people who tried opening the file, I've pasted it into the page directly this time. Best Ganesh 
26 Feb 2006

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