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Member Since: 13 November 2006
Last visited: 09 June 2020
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10590 Points Gold Contributor 10 Years! Blogger

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User Name Sappholit
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Published Works

  Sappholit's (a.k.a. Sarah Stovell)   Mothernight is published . (Available Now)
  • "I was beginning to realise that time didn't move forwards here. It just spun round and round, circling an old date, endlessly." So says seventeen-year-old Olivia who spends the summer at the home of her boarding school friend, the brilliant, dist

  • Personal Blog Posts

     Month Two, Day One ctd Last night, Jack and I drank three pints of ale in the pub. This morning, I woke up feeling great and ready to face the day. I received a scrumptious cheque in the post from the kind people who are publishing the Dutch edition of my second novel, and I wa...
    ( from http://attemptstoconceive.blogspot.com...)
     Month Two, Day One. This month, I have a whole new Aid to Conception. Its aim is to banish obstructive thoughts I have about my body not being good enough to grow a baby in. This is not, I hasten to add, the result of a perenially battered self esteem or anything dark like t...
    ( from http://attemptstoconceive.blogspot.com...)
     Month One, Day Twenty-Six I can't remember the exact figure, but I believe men are supposed to think about sex for approximately 9.5 of every 10 seconds. (NB. When I 'supposed' I don't mean 'supposed-as-in-obliged'. I mean, 'supposed-as-in-inevitable.&#...
    ( from http://attemptstoconceive.blogspot.com...)

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