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Member Since: 28 February 2017
Last visited: 11 March 2018
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Name Alan Hart
User Name Alby
Specialism All the above
Groups Children's and YA Writers' Group  
Location East Midlands
Interests Family
Profile Retired Piping engineer, overseas for 20 years on sugar factory and petro-chem plant construction. Owned a Pub for 6 years then some letting-flats in Blackpool, until finally retiring to Lincolnshire. Wrote a "How to Retire to Thailand" book, and 6 sit-com scripts. Then discovered my Granddaughter loves Frogs, I wrote a Frog book for her, followed by 4 others. I have self published them on Smashwords and am now seeking help in getting them published to make some cash.

Published Works

  Alby's (a.k.a. Alan Hart)  Childrens Fiction A Frogs' Tale is published in Smashwords. (Available available now)
  • Two young Frogs, seek adventure searching for the Great Eel. They overheard their Granddad say ‘The Great Eel loves little Frogs!’ To reach the Eel they cross the Vast Plain, (a road) with roaring monsters. Disaster is only inches away, but they did it. T

  •   Alby's (a.k.a. Alan Hart)  Self Help How to Retire to Thailand is published in Smashwords. (Available Available now)
  • It's a book to help interested people, to achieve their goal of obtaining a "Retirement Visa". To Thailand. It gives advice on lifestyle and how to own a home.

  •   Alby's (a.k.a. Alan Hart)  Poetic Fantasy Odysseys Of The Christmas Sporran And The Good Clock is published in Smashwords. (Available available now)
  • These are two short poetic stories – (mini odysseys if you will). The first is about the dreaded Sporran’s plundering. Let your mind wander into the magical world of the Highland Haggis Breeder. The second is about the daydreams of an honest Clock

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    The boy who could by Alby Word Count: 3970

    A 13 year old boy is given an ancient book, it changes his life -- but is it for the better? 
    10 Sep 2017

  • Also 3 works visible to WriteWords Members Only

  • Also 1 work visible to WriteWords Group Members Only

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