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Member Since: 31 May 2016
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Name Jonathan Royan
User Name JRoyan
Specialism Fiction
Groups Children's and YA Writers' Group  
Location South East
Interests Reading, Writing, football, my family, Movies, Mountain biking....and much much more!
Profile Hello. I`m a writer of fantasy short stories, however I am also writing a novel, aiming for around 80-100k words. The aim is to get published one day, either traditional of self published. Just to have my work read and enjoyed would be enough for me really. What I really need is brutally honest critique on my work so I can learn and improve my writing. I`m also very happy to give my opinion on other writers offering, such as it is. Cheers. Jonathan.

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The last Echo. by JRoyan Word Count: 4759

This is the first chapter of a fantasy novella I'm writing. It's a story of adventure with forbidden magic as its focal point. Let me know what you think. I have a thick skin, so no holding back :-) 
31 May 2016

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