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Debbie ONeill

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Member Since: 23 October 2015
Last visited: 05 November 2016
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Name Debbie O`Neill
User Name Debbie ONeill
Home Page https://caetlablog.wordpress.com/
Specialism Fiction
Groups Short Story Writers Group   Women's Fiction   Fast First Draft   Flash Fiction   Critique Central  
Location Other EU
Profile Drifting between Aquitaine and Northumberland, writing here and there.

Personal Blog Posts

 Talking cures ‘You want me just to talk, then? OK. Well, when I met Michael, the very first thing he said was that he’d had testicular cancer, which I thought was strange because we’d been e-mailing for about two months by then. Huh, cancer reappeared a few mo...
( from http://wp.me/p6RbiU-1A...)

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