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Member Since: 26 October 2014
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31 Points Blogger
Name Jeffrey Nti
User Name jeffreynti
Specialism Film/TV
Groups Critique Central  
Location London
Interests Life
Profile I was born and bred in Edmonton north London. I began to grow a passion for writing scripts when studying media in a levels at college. From this I was enticed by media and all the elements within it.

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 New TV series I am currently writing a great TV series and am looking for new and experienced writers to get involved. I will soon upload a synopsis of the first season. If your you're looking for something brilliant to get your writing skills involved in, whether ...
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STARZ by jeffreynti Word Count: 725

The synopsis of a TV series. Looking for experienced and non experienced writers to get involved in writing and producing this wonderful project. Kind regards. 
29 Nov 2016

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