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Member Since: 15 September 2003
Last visited: 26 October 2006
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21 Points 10 Years!
Name Robert Mitchell
User Name nearandfar
Specialism Fiction
Location London
Interests Life outside the four walls of an office
Profile 32 year old editor with a longstanding desire to break free from office life and go and do something less boring instead. Recently became a father which has changed my whole worldview for the better (I think). Currently write most of my work on the bus in wobbly script, then decipher later on in a spare moment or two at work.

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Jumping to conclusions by nearandfar Word Count: 1506

This is the first short story I wrote - it was for a course I did earlier in the year. The word limit was 1500 words, so it's a little more concise than I would have liked. But I'm very interested to hear your views - e.g. does it work, should I flesh out the characters a bit more? 
15 Sep 2003

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