have since the age of 16 travelled through-out the world, have over the past 49 years worked in the gas and oil/plus chemical industries, 31 years of that time overseas, to date have lived in, been too or worked in 54 countries of the world, some numerous times, raised a family with 4 children and have bben married 50 years in March of 2008.
Personal Blog Posts
Anchored in water
Daily it was his responsibility to check and monitor progress, making the journey was distant and remote, for in the Nigerian swamps roads are not connected where there is no land, so movement was by water craft, usually high speed launches, cutting throu... ( from ...)
As a young boy, each Sunday at tea time, our father would carry on with a story that he appeared to make up as he went along, our youngest sister always invited a friend, as he continued the story it got more outragous, as kids we laught at his way of telling, as he put in voice changes and expressions which always added to the flavour, after weeks of this story the poor girl our sister brought must have been very hungry as she never ate anything, because she was laughting to much.