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Member Since: 24 October 2006
Last visited: 26 October 2006
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User Name redcoat
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Green Dragon - Prologue by redcoat Word Count: 2871

Here is the first bit of something I've been working on. The idea is for a story told with two parallel narratives, widely separated in time. Half of the tale is set in ancient Britain where a young man is led to ultimate ruin through infatuation with/manipulation by a spooky girl. The other half has a modern setting, and follows the consequences of the continuing efforts of the girl to be re-united, across the centuries, with her lost love.  
26 Jan 2007

Green Dragon - Prologue, conclusion. by redcoat Word Count: 4588

Yes they're back, those Iron agers still bashing each other with swords. Actually its not a 'conclusion', I just haven't written the next bit yet . . 
20 Feb 2007

Green Dragon Prologue - deleted scene by redcoat Word Count: 1780

This used to fit in between the bit with the potters and Ghadran's sudden fit of violent rage. I was never quite comfortable with it but maybe it is useful afterall. 
5 Feb 2007

Green Dragon Prologue continuation by redcoat Word Count: 2514

Dran is the son of an Iron Age chieftan. A girl has caught his eye, but will bring ruin upon him. This continues where a previous installment left off. 
2 Feb 2007

Running Downstream 1 by redcoat Word Count: 4134

This is the first part (about one-fifth) of a story I wrote a couple of years ago. It's a story of transformation, although you'd have to get right to the end to really see that - its also supposed to be hopeful, on a grand scale. Anyway, if anybody like this part I'll upload some more and we'll see how we go. Theres a backwards-and-forewards time-shifty thing going on, so bear with it because it helps the overall structure. 
25 Oct 2006

Running Downstream 2 by redcoat Word Count: 2765

The next installment takes up where the first left off, with the action shifted back to Sam and her work mates' night out. She's just spotted Dave Slater, unexpectedly back in circulation. Despite excellent advise to trim it out, some metaphor and description may have leaked through . . . 
27 Nov 2006

Running Downstream 3 by redcoat Word Count: 2362

And another chunk, it having seemed to me that the previous one needed rapid support. We shift once more, back to the bar 
29 Nov 2006

Running Downstream 4 by redcoat Word Count: 4049

The fourth part is really the 'middle', and thus the part most at risk of sagging. There is some more character development in the night-club setting and in the small hours of the morning Sam realises that the riddle of Mark's identity cannot be left unresolved. From here we will springboard into some answers in the next installment. 
28 Dec 2006

Running Downstream 5 by redcoat Word Count: 3619
1  Comment

Sam is introduced to some ugly truths. 
9 Jan 2007

Running Downstream 6 by redcoat Word Count: 3811

The last part. All is finally revealed. Sam is twice redeemed, and set free. (Apologies here to any competent poets who may read, but I really did throw everything in . . ) 
12 Jan 2007

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