| 19 Questions to Ask (and ask again) about Voice
One of the challenges of a big writing project is finding a voice for it. I've blogged about what voice is here, but for now, the first question, of course, is the narrator is a character in the story, an internal narrator, or the story is told by an ... ( from http://emmadarwin.typepad.com/thisitchof...)
| Picking, stealing and dancing skeletons
Aspiring writers are sometimes paralysed by the fear that they'll be using other people's ideas, words, stories, characters. It might be the simple desire to behave ethically, and a fear of outright plagiarism or even of being sued for breach of c... ( from http://emmadarwin.typepad.com/thisitchof...)
| Sentence, Eloquence and Exercise: books for sentence wranglers
Painters have paint, choreographers have bodies, sculptors have bronze, musicians have chords and tunes. Writers have sentences. Not words, sentences, because a word which isn't in relation to another word can only be something, not do anything. In a ... ( from http://emmadarwin.typepad.com/thisitchof...)