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Member Since: 30 March 2014
Last visited: 03 April 2014
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100+Reader24 Points 10 Years!
Name karen pink
User Name karenpink
Specialism Fiction
Location Northern
Profile I am a middle school maths teacher and I have been working on a book for the past two years in my spare time. I am now at the editing stage, and have some ideas for a few more books. Not sure which one to start first. I live in a small town near Newcastle with my son and my 2 guinea pigs, spot and sticky.

Latest Work

Charlie Briggs and the Witch`s Emerald by karenpink Word Count: 22915

A teenage boy with a huge chip on his shoulder about his lack of popularity in his middle school, is dragged onto a mission to deliver a precious emerald to the King of Atronia. If he fails, well then, to put it simply, the King's daughter is a dead cert goner! 
30 Mar 2014

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