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Name Alan Williams
User Name TassieDevil
Specialism Fiction
Groups Women's Fiction   Critique Central   Flash Fiction   Short Story Writers Group   Fast First Draft   Children's and YA Writers' Group  
Location Other International
Interests Writing, Sketching & Painting, DIY, travel
Profile Retired Australian Teacher, now in France with my wife and cats to keep me sane. Sold over fifty stories to magazines in Australia, Canada, Ireland and the U.K. Tales include blue kangaroos, green Tasmanian tigers and possums. Also two novels set in Australia. One day I aspire to write a `normal` story. I`m not holding my breath.

Published Works

  TassieDevil's (a.k.a. Alan C. Williams, Samantha Tonge, Linda Lewis et alia)  Romance Anthology By My Side is published by Alfie Dog. (Available 17th June 2014)
  • Author Alan C. Williams has had his story 'Star Bright' selected for inclusion in the romance collection ‘By My Side’ . The collection brings together some of the best short stories from 20 authors across the globe.

  •   TassieDevil's (a.k.a. A. C. Williams)  Adventure/Romance Lost in the Outback is published in D.C. Thomson's My Weekly Pocket Novel range. (Available 8/3/2018)
  • Set in the Riverina in New South Wales, 1970, Lost in the Outback combines adventure, intrigue and romance in a life or death as we follow Amy, a new school teacher, in her quest to find a missing child.

  •   TassieDevil's (a.k.a. Alan C. Williams)  My Weekly Pocket Novel Trouble in Paradise is published by DC THomson. (Available 26/7/18)
  • Taking place in beautiful Tasmania at the end of 1999, this novel combines romance, mystery and nail-biting drama as feisty Sandie Ashton revisits her family and homeland in the search for a missing man and the mystical artefact he has with him..

  •   TassieDevil's (a.k.a. Alan C. Williams)  romance novel Christmas Down Under is published in My Weekly Pocket Novels. (Available 13th December 2018)
  • Set in Sydney during the swinging sixties, ex-pat Pamela Grant finds herself torn between returning to England with her daughter, Sharon, or staying with her new Aussie boyfriend, Nick. Unfortunately her boss at work has his own plans for Pamela.

  •   TassieDevil's (a.k.a. Alan C. Williams)  romance novel Searching for Scarlett is published by My Weekly Pocket Novels. (Available 16th May 2019)
  • Set in Herefordshire, where a rookie detective, Kimberley Frost, is searching for two missing children. Unfortunately she is struck down with a debilitating illness which turns her life upside down. Can she save them in time.

  •   TassieDevil's (a.k.a. Alan C. Williams)  romance novel Firestorm is published by My Weekly Pocket Novels. (Available 19th September 2019)
  • Debra Winters is a youthful, feisty teacher in rural Tasmania. When a fire breaks out in her school she must work with rugged firefighter, Ross Sanderson, to track down an arsonist who threatens to set the bush of Australia's island state, alight.

  • Personal Blog Posts

     At last- My Own Blog Site I just found out today that I'd begun my own web page over a year ago but, like many things with galloping senility, I'd forgotten to do anything on the blinking thing. I've now done some work on it and Voila!...
    ( from https://alancwilliams.wordpress.com...)
     The Evils Of Single Gender Schools As a child, I attended ‘boys only' schools and it screwed up my life. No prizes for deciding which side of this divisive, educational see-saw I'll be jumping on. However, since it is an aspect of life that will affect thousands of impressionable s...
    ( from http://www.nuhafoundation.org/home/blog/...)

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