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Member Since: 12 March 2003
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500+100+ReaderCommentator7055 PointsPopular Silver Contributor 10 Years!

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User Name Jubbly
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Published Works

  Jubbly's (a.k.a. Julie Balloo (WW member) Lane Ashfeldt, Andrew Lloyd-Jones, Julie Rayne, Phoebia Freeman and many more.)   Down the Angel and Up Holloway is published . (Available Now)
  • An Anthology of short stories about Islington by authors who have lived and worked in Islington.

  • Latest Work

    Snapshot by Jubbly Word Count: 998

    For latest FF challenge by Felix 
    30 Aug 2022

    The Gate by Jubbly Word Count: 502
    1  Comment

    My contribution to my own challenge re toys and childhood 
    8 Aug 2022

    Sleeping it Off by Jubbly Word Count: 499

    My attempt at the 501 technology challenge. This is a slightly shorter version of the original. 
    19 Mar 2014

  • Also 2 works visible to WriteWords Members Only

  • Also 1 work visible to WriteWords Group Members Only

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