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Member Since: 05 May 2007
Last visited: 11 May 2015
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33 Points 10 Years! Blogger
Name Marc Renshaw
User Name kingcritter
Specialism Various
Location Yorkshire and Humberside
Interests Art
Profile Marc is an artist based in the UK. The Pointeso Art Scene brings you all the latest news from the Sporting City progressive contemporary creative suburb.

Personal Blog Posts

 Pointeso Art Scene: Agent A Agent A An agent on mobile walking through Athletico international airport. 'Eh...what? Yah, yah...I'll be at The Vascov around 10.30ish...yah..erm well Marcia said she'll keep tabs on that one...yap...ten installations have ...
( from http://www.a-n.co.uk/artists_talking/pro...)
 Pointeso Art Scene: Maitvale Workspace. Get on down to outer Pointeso this weekend for the latest opening at the Maitvale Workspace. Hala Koinstraad continues her gathering of post sonic deviations comprising of a new collection detailing radio waves gleaned from the municipal city of ...
( from http://www.a-n.co.uk/artists_talking/pro...)
 The Pointeso Art Scene: 16.45 16.45 hrs. An artist in a room somewhere in the northern borough of the working class heavy industrial region of Universo Collunteen. 'I'm lying on my bed and regarding the mirror on the window sill. The red berries glow on the ...
( from http://www.a-n.co.uk/artists_talking/pro...)

Latest Work

Pointeso Art Scene: Agent A by kingcritter Word Count: 135

18 May 2014

Pointeso Art Scene: 16.45 by kingcritter Word Count: 186
1  Comment

13 May 2014

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