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INDIA by Cec

Member Points & Badges of Honour

  • WriteWords uses a point system to help identify those members who contribute to our community.
  • The higher the number, the more prominent the member in the WriteWords community.

How the WW Points system works

  • 8 points for each work uploaded to the site
  • 4 points for each comment on another members' work
  • 8 points for each comment of over 100 words on another members' work
  • 12 points for each comment of over 200 words on another members' work
  • 16 points for each comment of over 500 words on another members' work
  • 32 points for each comment of over 1000 words on another members' work
  • 1 point for each like, helpful, smile, think or genius given by another member on one of your posts.
  • 1 point for comment in the forum
  • 1 point for comment in a group weblog

We also have a system of 'badges of honour' awarded for various different activities on the site, some of these are much harder to acheive than others! We are added more badges as we think of them, so stay tuned!

1000+Made a comment of over 1000 words
500+Made a comment of over 500 words
100+Made a comment of over 100 words
ReaderMade a comment on a work that was over 1000 words
CommentatorOver 100 critiques or responses to work
Super-CommentatorOver 1000 critiques or responses to work
Heart-WarmerMade more than 10 people click 'Made me Smile'
PopularMade more than 10 people click 'Like'
HelperMore than 10 people clicked 'Helpful'
ThinkerMore than 10 people clicked 'Made me Think'
Bronze GeniusMore than 10 people rated comments as 'Pure Genius'
Gold ContributorMore than 10,000 Points for site activity
Silver ContributorMore than 5,000 Points for site activity
Bronze ContributorMore than 1,000 Points for site activity
Top ContributerMore than 20,000 Points for site activity
LeaderFor Becoming a Group Leader
10 Years!WriteWords Member for Over 10 Years
Site AdministratorSite Administrator
FounderWriteWords Founder
BloggerAdded a Personal Blog to their Profile