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Theatre Competitions

Writing Type: Work Type:
30 jobs and opportunities currently available in this category.

DescriptionDate PostedDeadline
£1000 commission for north-west based writer 27/03/2025 30/04/2025
Playwriting award 27/03/2025 04/04/2025
Playwriting prize for north west writers 20/03/2025 30/04/2025
Women's Prize for Playwriting 17/01/2025 None
Theatre company offering playwriting commissions 21/12/2023 None
A Play, A Pie and A Pint and Sanctuary Queer Arts Collaboration 16/10/2023 None
Laurels Theatre: Richard Jenkinson Commission 17/08/2023 None
Theatre Award 2023 30/05/2023 None
The Painkiller Project is a playwriting project that runs every other month from Bitter Pill Theatr 14/06/2021 None
The Women’s Prize for Playwriting 12/04/2021 None

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