WriteWords talks to poetry publisherThe Tall Lighthouse
Tell us something about your background.
We were set up in ’99 and have since then published some 20 pamphlets/books & issued a CD. Our strap line is illuminating words which in essence demonstrates our range of activities from publishing through events & reading to running writing workshops…. Les Robinson is the founder & Director (he is a poet in his own right, l.k.robinson) together with Baden Prince who acts as both our regular MC and our Education Consultant. We are supported by a number of our poets who act as editors & mentors for poetry submitted and poets we want to develop. As well as the above we have two other people (Maggie & Martin) on the’fringe’ who help with admin & event organising… & Jan who runs the bar at our events…(all voluntarily!
How do you usually find your writers?
Readings, submissions & recommendations – our list includes poets who have come tous through each of these avenues….
What kind of writers do you work with?
Any really – they just have to ‘hit the right note’ with our editors in terms of publishing or have to demonstrate a good ‘voice’ if reading…
Favourite writers and why?
Personal faves are Raymond Carver & John Burnside as their work is so well crafted BUT they both tug on different emotions…
What excites you about a piece of writing- what keeps you interested?
Intrigue, a strong thoughtful/though-provoking ending, also the essence of a story captured within a few images & a few lines!