Stuart Mullins Interview

Monogamy by PBAB
WriteWords talks to Stuart Mullins, artistic director of Pursued By A Bear Theatre Company (www.pbab.org)
Stuart has recently directed Craig Baxter’s Double Helix for the company, which toured nationally and came to London’s Stratford Circus last spring to critical acclaim. The company policy is to work faithfully with one writer at a time, focusing on their career development, and to approach theatre as an art form which needs challenge; their 2003 project, Baking A New Cake, seeks to find a new set of ingredients with which to create text based theatre in relation to a modern audience, fed on a diet of televisual and digital experience. Other recent projects have included a multicultural text message project with young London writers, a tour of Troy Andrew Fairclough’s award-winning new play, You Don’t Kiss, and a multi sensory theatre event involving three writers.
My favourite writers are those that write from the heart but in the context of a world that at times is quite extraordinary. David Mamet- no frilly bits with him. Caryl Churchill- provocative and insightful with so much craft.
Cathartic nonsense turns me off. Or one dimensional characters. And writers trying to write about stuff they don’t know about- that’s a common mistake.
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