Rebecca Connell Interview
Posted on 07 April 2009. © Copyright 2004-2024 WriteWords
WriteWords talks to WW member and debut author Rebecca Connell, aka BeckyC, whose first novel, The Art of Losing, is just out.
Tell us all about your writing background- what you’ve written, what you’re currently writing
I’m one of those clichéd authors who have been writing since childhood, but I doubt that much of my earlier output will ever see the light of day! – largely because most of it revolved around talking cats. I have always tended to err towards novels rather than short stories – I think naturally in terms of longer narratives – and as a result I have dozens of abandoned, half-written novels stacked up in notebooks at my parents’ house. In my teens I loved writing murder mysteries; as I’ve got older I have veered away from that path, but I like to think that my first published novel, THE ART OF LOSING, still has elements of crime and mystery within it, although it’s categorised as more general literary fiction. I’ve recently finished the first draft of my next novel, provisionally titled TOLD IN SILENCE, and am gearing up to edit that into shape.
When and why did you first start writing?
I can’t really remember not writing – I do remember that my first completed story was called Jack The Chick Is Frightened, a tense exploration of one chick’s struggle against the cruel forces of the outside world. I think I was four or five at the time. As to why I started writing, I honestly don’t know. It didn’t feel like a decision, and it doesn’t now. I have had periods where I haven’t written anything substantial for a couple of years, but I always knew I would return to it. I have a lot of stories in my head, and it wouldn’t occur to me not to get them out into the open, even if I never got published again.
Who are your favourite writers and why?
In my teens, Agatha Christie inspired my murder mystery efforts; I loved her books, and still see them as comfort reading when I’m tired or run down. As I got a bit older, I started reading a lot of writers who are traditionally seen as quite misogynist: Martin and Kingsley Amis, Julian Barnes, David Lodge. I love all their work and don’t see it as anti-female at all, although a tutor once cryptically told me at university that my concept of feminism was like no other she had ever come across, so I’m not sure that my perception can be trusted on that one. Although I’m not sure that people would necessarily link my style to those writers, I think I’ve taken a lot from them in terms of emotional honesty, and I still find it easier to write male narratives than female ones. I also love Maggie O’Farrell, Zoe Heller and Patrick Gale.
How did you get your first agent/ commission?
I put off submitting my work to agents for a long time, due to fear of failure – I didn’t want to lose the dream. Eventually I girded my loins and sent off an early, somewhat premature batch of submissions to agents I had researched poorly. Following this, I took myself in hand, edited the manuscript and looked more carefully at the agents I was targeting. I was lucky enough to get a fair bit of interest, and ended up having to choose between several potential agencies. I signed with Rogers, Coleridge & White because their client list seriously impressed me, not to mention their passion and commitment to their books. My agent, Hannah Westland, has done a great job for me and I’m confident I made the right choice!
What's the worst thing about writing?
I thought for a long time about this, because I can’t find much wrong with writing! I suppose it would have to be the necessity to do it even when you don’t feel like it. My writing motto is, “A man may write at any time, if he will set himself doggedly to it” (Samuel Johnson), and I do try to keep to that, but it can be very hard to plough on when you don’t feel inspired. I know from experience that if I work through it, no matter how terrible I think my writing is, I will look more kindly on it in retrospect. I don’t tend to suffer from serious writer’s block, and I think my willingness to “stick it out” when the going is tough is the reason for this, but it can certainly feel unpleasant at the time.
And the best?
The best thing is when everything just flows and I don’t have to think about what I’m setting down on the page; when I read over a scene that I’ve just written and know that it doesn’t need changing; when I feel so involved with my characters that I can see them clearly in my mind’s eye as if they were real people. I find that I generally hit a couple of “purple patches” when I’m writing a novel where these things happen much more frequently – usually around the beginning and the end, which can make the middle feel like a bit of a chore!
Comments by other Members
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susieangela at 17:51 on 07 April 2009
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Great interview, Becky - and I love the concept of Jack The Chick is Frightened. Even back then, you didn't mess about, but started where the story gets interesting...;
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BeckyC at 21:06 on 07 April 2009
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Ha ha! I fear there is only one hard copy... and I think my parents are guarding it fiercely.
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Luisa at 22:19 on 07 April 2009
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Great interview, Becky! And I too am interested in the Jack the Chick story.
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nessiec at 17:59 on 08 April 2009
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One day, you've got to re-write 'Jack the Chick is frightened'. It's got a great ring to it!
Lovely interview.
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BeckyC at 09:45 on 09 April 2009
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If I'd known there would be so much demand for Jack, I might have acted differently. ; I will hunt him out next time I'm home.
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chris2 at 15:39 on 09 April 2009
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Words of considerable encouragement. Good luck with the second.
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charlottetheduck at 20:44 on 14 April 2009
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Becky I've only just seen this!!! 
A website revival evening is definitely in order, will mail you tomorrow!
Anyway, great interview, very eloquent and interesting, as always.
PS I also want to read Jack the Chick is Frightened.
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JulesA at 21:39 on 06 March 2010
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I thought this was a rather interesting interview. I to loved Agatha Christie when i was younger and attempted to write several murder mysteries.
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