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Legend Press Interview

Posted on 15 June 2005. © Copyright 2004-2025 WriteWords
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WriteWords talks to Tom Chalmers, managing director of Legend Press whose aim is to provide a platform for talented and ambitious writers.

Tell us all about Legend

Legend Press is inspired by a love of literature and was created to be a publisher of high quality, original work. Its fundamental aim is to provide a platform for talented and ambitious writers. It is also vital that we show initiative and imagination as a publisher, which in part has led to our current publication, a collection of short stories all based around one day in a character’s life, which we hope will raise the profile of the short story in the mainstream market. We’ve certainly had an amazing response so far and the project promises to be a real success.

I am the Publishing Director of Legend Press and run the company with hopes for its future growth and expansion. I am lucky, particularly having experience in book, journal and magazine publishing, to have numerous people and groups who provide great support and assistance. With this continued support, I am confident Legend Press will develop into the publishing force I expect it to be.

What kind of writing do you publish/ look for?

At present we are fully focused on our collection of short stories which has generated a great deal of interest within the writing world. We are looking for stories that provide an insight into all those lives that may pass us by each day or maybe stand at a bus stop next to us for a few minutes. The concept is in part inspired by the stream of consciousness style and we want stories that really reflect a character’s thoughts, memories, hopes and feelings, balanced with the actual linear action. For writers who feel they have something to offer, it’s a fantastic opportunity.

Towards the end of the year we intend to start working on 2-3 full length novels and will be actively looking for talented and ambitious writers. There are still plenty of niches in the current market and we will consider any work demonstrating good style, imagination and originality.

Who are your favourite writers and why?

As I’ve mentioned, the current collection is partly inspired the stream of consciousness style and I am a big fan of Virginia Woolf’s writing and how she could breathe life into her characters by providing that insight into their thoughts and feelings. Having spent all this time listening to my own ‘thinking voice’, I always find I can learn so much when allowed access to someone else’s!

I love such a wide range of writing that I always struggle to pick out particular authors or works. A couple that stand out though are One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Catch 22, which at a young age both demonstrated to me the great value and entertainment reading can provide. Of recent books, I loved The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami, which I just found completely original and thought-provoking.

What excites you about a piece of writing-

Of course I love to be entertained, but I also like to be made to think and if a writer can do both then they certainly have something very special. I always look for originality and I read for those moments when I think ‘I hadn’t thought of that’ or when a phrase or scene puts something into words perfectly that I had never been able to do before reading it.

and what makes your heart sink?

Recently it has been stories about wizards. Not to be critical of Harry Potter, you’ve got to applaud its incredible success, but it is always depressing when people try to get success themselves by recreating something that has already been done successfully. It’s invariably not as good. Wait until that moment when something comes up naturally and originally to yourself; stick to what your writing is all about, though be prepared to look for new niches and always consider new ideas.

Do you have a submission process?

For the current collection, we have extended the deadline for submissions to the end of June due to the level of interest raised in the publication. Copies can either be emailed in Word format to info@legendpress.co.uk or sent to Legend Press, 13a Northwold Road, London N16 7HL. I have a list of interested writers so if you feel you have something to offer, get in touch and you can be added to the list prior to submitting your work.

A longer version of this interview is available to WriteWords Full and Community Members.
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Comments by other Members

Nik Perring at 13:13 on 15 June 2005  Report this post
Interesting stuff. I'll take a look at the website, I think.



Zigeroon at 15:08 on 20 June 2005  Report this post

Great to hear such enthusiam and drive to achieve a planned result. Off to the web site.


JamesRobles at 09:03 on 28 February 2024  Report this post
This publication's focus on short stories, their interest in exploring the human experience, and their admiration for writers who offer unique perspectives and styles make tunnel rush an exciting platform for both readers and aspiring authors. I look forward to seeing the collection of short stories they have generated interest in and to discovering the talented writers they will showcase in the future.

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