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Collated Answers from WW interviews

How did/do you handle rejections?
Candy Denman It always hurts, but all you can do is get back to writing again.
Emilia di Girolamo I don't get upset anymore. I just accept that it's one person's taste, take any comments they have made on board and move on to the next project. If someone has made some really positive comments I might enter into a dialogue with them but if they hate it I would just leave it at that. I've only ever had one really unkind rejection and that was only a few weeks ago. A small press asking for short stories put lots of red circles round sentences and told me 'that's not a good way to write'! Mostly I have had really positive comments and good reasons as to why my work wasn't right for them.
Jenny Eclair Badly.
Kathryn Haig Very badly. I shrivel like a slug when it’s had salt sprinkled on it. Eventually, of course, I recover and begin to think, “Yes, well, that was tough, but what can I learn from it? What can I do to improve this poor, rejected typescript?” Every writer has to have the capacity to learn and to come back for more.
Zoe Fairbairns Oh, I take them in my stride. They don't bother me at all. I just chew up a few light bulbs, beat my fists against the wall, go on a boozing or eating binge (depending on the time of day) and plan a fiendish revenge. I rarely put these plans into action - for one thing I don't actually know how to administer a karate chop or send a killer virus to someone's computer, and for another, why give them the satisfaction? On a more rational level, I try to remember that it is not rejection, it is simply the publisher exercising their right as a customer either to buy or not to buy. It's always disappointing not to be chosen, but it's not a statement of our utter worthlessness as human beings. (It just feels that way…)