Hotel World is a series of first person narratives, unfolding the circumstances of a young woman’s death one evening at the Global Hotel. Each voice is distinctive and Ali Smith manipulates punctuation as well as language in a fresh, original way. The narratives tumble out in long streams-of-consciousness which I must admit I tired of near the end and skipped large chunks in search of plot details. (but then I was reading next to a noisy swimming pool, so was probably not giving the book my full attention!)
Definitely worth reading, though.
Thanks for posting this review, you've reminded me what a brave and brilliant book 'Hotel World' is. I found it mesmerising and emotional and, I rarely say this about contemporary fiction, I could very well read it a second time.
Hotel World is great, but not as brilliant as her most recent novel, The Accidental (just out) or her short story collections, especially The Whole Story and Other Stories.
Her stage plays are pretty damn good too. So, she's quite sickeningly talented, but I'm pleased you've reminded me, too, just how good Hotel World is.
I loved Hotel World, too. Inspiring.