...the other has an interesting story behind it.
The Dick Francis is his latest, Under Orders.
The other, Heading South, is by Luke Bitmead and Catherine Richards. tThe two authors met via a writing website and set each other the challenge of writing from opposite-sex viewpoints. They never actually met in person, and sadly Luke died in 2006 aged just 34. We'll be interviewing his co-author, Catherine, very soon. In the meantime, WWmail me if you'd like either book to review.
Anna, I've enjoyed Dick Francis whenever I've had chance to read his racing-stable mysteries and I'd like to review 'Under Orders' if not already assigned.
Sheila Cornelius
Go for it Sheila- wwmail me your postal address and I'll get it off to you.
Now who's up for the other one? sounds a bit of a heart-breaker.
I'm afraid I'm crap at reviews, but it strikes me that maybe Heading South should be reviewed by a man and a woman, to see if both sides of the story hold true.
I’d love to review Heading South, but I worry that people will think I'm hogging the best jobs after I enjoyed the last one so much.
If no-one else offers, give me a shout.
Good idea! Dee, you could do it first then pass it on to a bloke if any offer?
Ah yes, Anna, but the problem with that plan is that I'm psychologically unable to give up a book I like…
Maybe a bloke would read it first and then pass it on to me?
Ah- just realised someone else wwmailed me first, so sorry, Dee, do you mind not doing this one?
No problem, Anna.