Thanks for the welsome, Dee. I actually work for the Kids Corner section and have done for...ooh...four years now? Gosh, hadn't realised it was that long!
In fact, I have four picture books waiting to be critiqued at this very moment... I tend to critique picture books more often than other categories, although I also occasionally cover early readers and YA fiction. Kids' Corner requires that all their readers are published in the field they critique, so I wasn't allowed to do anything other than pbooks for a long time!
Kathryn and Helen at Cornerstones are both lovely people and I know they work very hard to make Cornerstones as user-friendly and economic as possible. They even critiqued my first YA novel for me, agreeing to pass it to agents afterwards. That novel will be out on the shelves in March, published by Faber & Faber
In fact, I've just received a couple of proof copies and am thinking of sending one in to the Write Words review section...