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  • Negotiating With the Dead - Margaret Atwood
    by Sappholit at 21:55 on 25 November 2006
    A very interesting read on Atwood's life as a writer. Bloody brilliant. Altough not only has she read every book worth reading, she also seems to understand them all, which is slightly intimidating . . . . .
  • Re: Negotiating With the Dead - Margaret Atwood
    by julietoc at 10:56 on 05 June 2007
    i agree, this is a fascinating insight into Atwood's writing psyche and is made up of various lecture notes she has given over the years. It is not a 'how to' book, but it is a craft book and raised my conciousness about why we write and who for, and all the cultural, historical baggage that goes with the title 'writer'.I read it a while ago now, but its strong themes have remained with me, particularly the idea that true writers must make huge sacrifices in life/ relationships (where did that idea come from?.) Plath?

    Anyone struggling with the idea of being a writer should give this a read.

  • Re: Negotiating With the Dead - Margaret Atwood
    by EmmaD at 12:29 on 05 June 2007
    Yes, it's a terrific book - I think books by writers about their writing are the most valuable discussion of craft you can have. I read it a while ago, so thanks for posting this, Sappho, because you've reminded me it should re-read it.
