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  • review my book
    by david L at 08:40 on 31 May 2006
    hi is there anyone who would fancy reviewing my book. It is a true story about my life so far as a Christian. It is called Persevering under Pressure and is available from Amazon. It is not the straight forward boring book you might think being a Christian book, i believe it will appeal to none Christains as well.

    david lee

  • Re: review my book
    by Anna Reynolds at 10:00 on 31 May 2006
    David, you'll probably get a better response if you upload some of your work on the site- that's the way things tend to work best here.
  • Re: review my book
    by david L at 07:14 on 01 June 2006
    Thank you the book has now been uploaded on to the site if anyone would care to read it i would be very grateful

    thank you
  • Re: review my book
    by Account Closed at 08:45 on 01 June 2006
    David - you've uploaded it all, which is going to put people off - are you able to upload it in bite-sized chunks at all? eg 3-4000 words at a go?

    I've read the first couple of pages - I like the honesty and clarity of it, though I must admit it's not a Christian tradition I have much sympathy with. And I'm not a great fan of the "traditional" Christian book (though I did get a lot out of Philip Yancey's "tell it how it is and live with it, people" book, "Disappointment with God" - the first Christian book I've read in the last 15 years or so). It takes a long time to get over being ex-evangelical ...!

    My feeling is you'll be able to sell copies via your church and family contacts. My previous vicar in Essex has also written a book of his life recently, and sells copies (for charity, in his case) via his direct contacts. At first taster, I have to say your style is better than his.

    Good luck (in the Lord) as one of our great (British?) saints once said!

  • Re: review my book
    by Colin-M at 11:27 on 01 June 2006
    Great achievement getting this book finished and published. 92,000 words is no easy chore, so well done, but I'm not sure what the point of posting your book is. If the book is published, then helpful comments aren't going to be much use - unless it's Amazon reviews you're after.

    Most of the stuff we upload is work in progress, so we can develop the work as comments come in. Why not upload something new?

    Colin M