I have always found you such a well mannered and complimentary chap such an accolade from you sir is a compliment indeed
take care
Baited Breath
The halibut, its eyes filled with fishy malevolence, flapped its tail and swallowed me entirely – inside, a vast ocean teeming with iridescent plankton engulfed me, an azure sky warmed me and the gentle commotion of ostensibly innocuous things devouring each other made me realise – I had been reincarnated as a microscopic sea organism. Again.
Here's the link to the site; I gather some of you had trouble tracking it down; sorry about that.
Glad people are enjoying the challenge - David, you're showing me up with all these great stories, but then that would be why you're the writer and I'm not. Love the buried alive twist.
<Added>Oh, and the plankton story's great. I love the way you can get so much out of one word - 'Again'.
I hit the sweet spot and watched it fly, straight as you like. This was it; my first under par round. I followed it as it started to descend, straight at the flag. Maybe even an albatross. Down it went, falling through the air until….splash. I kicked a tree and broke my toe.
If anyone is interested, it is possibble to send e-mail submissions. The address is on the site and you should make the subject of the e-mail '55 Fiction'.
Best of luck to anyone that enters.
Or possibbbbbbble...
Or possssibbibbbbble
We pulled the heavy stone from the old mine entrance and were instantly frozen by the screams that where obviously from a young girl. The stone fell back with an earthy thump. “Shit what was that?” We stood like confused kids facing our crisis. “There’s someone down there.” Billy shouted as he fell
We pulled the heavy stone from the old mine entrance then instantly froze as the screams that were obviously from a young girl echoed out. The stone fell back with an earthy thump. "Shit, what was that?" We stood like confussed kids. "There's somone down there." Billy shouted as he fell.
Higher and higher on the swing, she felt as if she was flying high above the earth, looking down on houses too small to possibly live in.
Then she heard a little voice say ‘Granny, you are embarrassing me’.
Sounds like some of my elderly relatives, given half a chance - excellent!
"We expected the DNA match." he said.
I felt trapped. I began to sweat. How should I feel? I just knew the finger of Fate would point to me and say 'You're the One!'
His hand was on my shoulder. She will be very grateful. Don't worry, you'll manage perfectly well with only one kidney."
So busy counting the words I left out the first double quote on the last couple of lines... sorry.
I used the word count function in word...
I have Star Office 5.2 and I have yet to find the word count control.
Damn those filthy Sun Microsystems blaggards.
I nearly worked for them too..
Jim was a sheet-metal worker from Nottingham, but wanted to be a writer. ‘Don’t worry, the council will give you a grant,’ they said.
James lives in Guildford and drives a Mercedes. His first novel sold a million. It was about his life as a sheet-metal worker. 'Thank God I got out of that hole!'
With a heavy heart Reverend Riddlington finally said goodbye to Natasha, the curvaceous divinity intern from Budapest. His wife was due back in less than an hour so he turned his mind to completing his crossword. Now then; “Adulterous clergy. 4 and 6”.
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