I'm sure most of you know about this annual competition run by the New Times in California. But given my recent mini-panic in trying to track down the published collection of some of the winners (see the forum post where I'm talking to myself...), I thought it might be a fun exercise to post here.
The deal's this. Write a short story of 55 words or less. It must be fiction (so no poetry) and you can't go over the word limit, but other than that, wriet what you will. Here's an example from one of the winners (as it's going to take me a while to attempt one myself).
The subway lurched, throwing her into his arms.
He’s strong, protective, loving, she thought. We’ll marry at a seaside resort and have four beautiful children.
He lifted her up and smiled. I’ll always be faithful. When we’re old, we’ll travel the world together.
The train slowed. She moved to the door.
"Don’t mention it."
Chris Orcutt
Mount Vernon, NY
If It's True
No noise, save the rustle of the rats and the nervous murmur of voices.
I moved quietly and made tea, the water, after four years still tasted of petrol.
"If it is true, only one minute." said Ron. "Yes." I replied.
suddenley whistles blew,
both sides started cheering, it was 11 o'clock 11th November 1918.
I hope this proves I can write other than poetry
Excellent stuff! And I'm still struggling with word number 1. Ah well, only 54 to go...
Great start! Very interesting exercise Elspeth. By magic mind ended up on exactly 55 words:
Love on the Net
Sarah sat at the table, awaiting her perfect match, pink carnation held at the ready.
When Jason arrived their eyes immediately met across the crowded café. As he sauntered over to her, his smile quickly faded.
“You told me you looked like George Clooney,” she said.
“You told me you were a women!” he retorted.
The night cold, the pavement wet and the moon shone strongly through a break in the rain clouds. I was nervous even though I knew that she would say yes. I found a puddle and stopped. Bent on my right knee, I looked up to her.
“Will you divorce me?”
“Oh yes! Yes I will.”
Tabitha thought she might burst with excitement.
What is it? What can it be?
She tugged and ripped and shredded until the parcel was open.
Her eyes widened and she gasped.
Her aunt smiled, "Do you like it?".
Tabitha met her gaze, and her eyes narrowed with indignation.
I've already got one, she snarled.
In the circumstances, it was all that could be done.
If I had known then what I do now, perhaps I wouldn’t have done it, but these things are not within our power to control. Therefore, to say that it was a mistake is not true, but neither was it intentional. I pressed the button.
Are we allowed to submit more than one work ? hope so
"The mistake" said the Doctor, "was extracting the knife, little external bleeding but internally a mess, pity, could have saved them".
" Some well meaning passer by." replied the paramedic quietly.
Good job, after I was disturbed, that my wife was first on the scene, the luck of a hit man whose wife is a paramedic.
Into the darkened skies they had flown; the incessant throbbing of the engines dulling their senses. It had been a long night for all of them. A long week. Finally they landed. Another successful mission completed on time.
They watched as the holidaymakers excitedly queued to join the transit coach to start their Florida vacation.
As the potent venom coursed through his veins like fire, Steve watched in silent fascination as his skin blackened, and began to crack. The thick, green liquid that began to leak from the gaps in his flesh carried with it the last vestiges of his humanity.
As his sight faded he whispered “God forgive me”.
These are all great! Some very funny/chilling twists in the tales. If anyone wants to send theirs in for the official competition, the details are on the website for the New Times. They accept entries all year round.
Stories this short and you can't submit via the web?
*shakes fist*
IB, I was just thinking the same thing.
Although, i think i read something on the about last years comp and they mentioned receiving submission by e-mail from around the world, so maybe you can?
I quote "Stories arrive every day, sometimes by e-mail..."
Oh This is fun somebody please stop me or I will not get any real work done promise this will be my last effort
The Party
Good party, all these people, some I hardly recognise, still they are here, who am I to harbour grudges, odd though.
She's pretty, who would have thought it, such a plain child.
I wish they would be quiet, then they would hear me knocking and shouting, after all nobody really wishes to be buried alive.
olebut, I hate to say it, but that was practially poetry...
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