Anyone fancy having a go at writing an alphabet story? (an exercise of especial interest to Scrabble players!) 26 words only, in alphabetic sequence. Must make sense and have some kind of theme. My initial effort:
A bulldog character dances energetically, frantically gyrating, happy in juvenile kinetic leaping, making noxious observations, purveying quintessentially racist, sociopathic theorems, ululating viciously with xenophobic, youthful zest.
Absolutely brilliant concept, dear expert, fortunately gloriously hopeful in joyful kinetic linguistic matters no ordinary person quite rationally toiling upwards voluntarily without xanthoma yet zapped!
Bit surreal, but it does make sense of a sort.
A beautifully concise delightfully erudite form generally has initial joviality, knowledge limiting more nuances of poetry, quite restricting, still triumphs undoubtedly vivaciously, with xerophilous youthful zest.
More a crit on your story for the comments box than a story in itself
All beautifully conscientious devotees especially forward girls, have inveigled kisses long maschinated north of Pinner. Quite raucous, sexy too, unchaste vixens, wayward xstatic yelling zealots!
( blimey you better watch out you guys lol)
oh god forgot J.. Juicy ... juicy kisses lol
Ellenna, you've been eating far too many avocados, with prawns!
A wonderful game Richard, a bit like the struggle involved with fridge magnet words, where your efforts always looks brilliant at Christmas. I'll have a go at it at work later.
Laugh?! I'm aching! Brilliant! Kisses north of Pinner???? 'Xerophilous? - very erudite! Kanthoma? - got to be some horrible ailment. Must get a bigger dictionary! More please!
Although Betty could dance, evil facial goo holding indigestible juices killed longings. Many nights on pills quelled root source, tablets utterly vanquished warty xanthic yellow zits!
Actually, replace evil with extreme
Is there no end to WW members' ingenuity? Keep 'em coming! bj - can we have something like 'irritating' rather than 'indigestible'? Makes me ill to think of someone ingesting zit gunk!
Thanks for the suggestion Richard, I'm more than happy to have it irritating rather than indigestible.
A blowfly crawled down Everest for glee, hopped into jam kamikaze-like, moved never overly playfully, quiddity restrained, slumberously tetchy, undercarriage vapourizing wantonly xanthic young zinnia.
Ben and Nell, I can't believe you got xanthic before me because mine is: 'Aloha, beautiful cat, drive ever forward. Go hunting in July's kindly light, move noiselessly on past queer round stones towards Uzbek - velvety wild xanthic-yellow zibet!
I have to confess, I did a google-search "Words beginning with x" and came across a website with a list of unusual words, it's not a word I was previously aware of.
Anytime Bridget could digest each itemised juniperberry Kathryn looked meaner no one only people, quiet, refined, sober that used violence would xerox your zodiac.
Whoops, left out FGH they are: fruity green horrible
Becca, that's utterly beautiful - you are clever!
And such staggering inventiveness in all!
Some are poems.
Annie, beastly child, delicately edged forward, goofily hobbling in Judy's knickers, least more neurotic observers passing quietly reasonsed - soundly - that under velcro was x-ray-yielding zilch.
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