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  • Synopses
    by Elsie at 11:37 on 29 February 2004
    I'm just wondering whether a group, possibly short-term, ie members stay in it briefly, tand move on to alllow other members a go, to help people with writing a synopsis might be a good idea. I've been looking for info on the web, and it seems many people struggle with it. Perhaps we could help each other on that one, because apart from distilling what the story is about we need to make it 'sell' the story. What do you think?
  • Re: Synopses
    by old friend at 12:00 on 29 February 2004
    Hi Elsie,

    Grinder wrote an excellent synopsis for his first downloaded work. It was a synopsis of the material that was intended to go onto the rear fly cover of his book. However while it is perfectly correct to call this a synopsis (a brief summary) it is is no way a synopsis that would be required by an agent or a publisher.

    I think your idea of having a specific 'synopsis group' is a good one but I just wonder 'if' and 'how' it would work. Perhaps those members who have faced this challenge might respond on this, giving guidelines or any really useful ideas that may be of help, even pointing to books in which this subject is well covered.

    Writing a good, 'selling' synopsis is perhaps even harder than writing the book!


  • Re: Synopses
    by Elsie at 14:16 on 29 February 2004
    Len, exactly. I have made a little headway with it, but it is hard to convey the style of the novel, as I end up with something that sounds like a romantic novel, when it's not at all!
  • Re: Synopses
    by bluesky3d at 16:38 on 29 February 2004
    Elsie, there is a synopsis group on WW already, although at the moment it is lying dormant - we must be in hibernation or maybe cybernation ;o) I would be happy for you to have my place in it, if Anna Reynolds wants to get it going again with new members.

    Andrew )



    that is a link to open a new window to forum page
  • Re: Synopses
    by Dee at 16:51 on 29 February 2004
    Whenever I try to write a synopsis I end up feeling like a school kid trying to do my homework. It is not physically, mentally or emotionally possible to reduce a 100,000++ manuscript to a couple of pages.

    The problem with a group – as far as I can see – is that you need to know the whole story to be able to reduce it to a synopsis. Otherwise you don’t spot any vitally important details the poor demented author has missed out. Or you perhaps place too much importance on some little detail that doesn’t warrant being in the synopsis at all.


  • Re: Synopses
    by Account Closed at 16:56 on 29 February 2004
    Hi Elsie,
    I was part of the synopsis group and found it very helpful. While I agree with Dee overall, you can often spot 'strange' elements in a synopsis from not having read the work or being too familiar with it. Don't forget too that it can be the first (and only) thing which is read so it's important that it gives a good impression.

    I also agree with Dee that it's like doing homework but it does help you to focus on your story.

    I think you will find some useful past threads esp from Andrew (bluesky3D) if you trawl the forums.

    Good luck
  • Re: Synopses
    by Jumbo at 17:21 on 29 February 2004

    I've just sent you an email with some information. Hope it is of use to you.

  • Re: Synopses
    by Elsie at 18:10 on 29 February 2004
    Thanks Len, Dee, Jumbo, Elspeth, Andrew. I have applied to join that group.
  • Re: Synopses
    by Traveller at 21:48 on 29 February 2004
    Yes - a Synopsis group is much needed - I caught the old thread and joined the group but David says that the group is defunct - sad really - can we resurrect it? Bluesky3d has posted some good stuff on synopsis writing - but have you read his own synopsis??!! (sorry that was a bit naughty!)
  • Re: Synopses
    by bluesky3d at 23:14 on 29 February 2004
    Traveller - I didn't say that it was easy ) - I had not done one before and I found it really quite a challenge. I think it's something that one can certainly improve upon. The problem is what to put in and what to leave out, especially with a plot-driven storyline. The answer seems to be to produce different versions for uses and occasions.

    I'm sure Anna would act as mediator if you ask nicely, but it really needs all the group to be proactive and comment on each other's work to succeed. I found the group quite useful as it came just at the right time for me - and Dee is right it was just like doing a piece of homework that I had kept putting off - such a relief to face it and get it over with.

    A )


    I've resigned from the Synopsis Group to allow someone else in now ... :)
  • Re: Synopses
    by Anna Reynolds at 12:36 on 01 March 2004
    Guys, why don't one of you apply to start a new group? That's probably easiest.
  • Re: Synopses
    by Traveller at 13:30 on 01 March 2004
    Bluesky3d - I'm glad you weren't offended by my comments - it's just the opening question that really got me - the rest of it seemed really interesting - perhaps you could shorten it?
  • Re: Synopses
    by Sue H at 14:09 on 01 March 2004
    OK - I'll start one. Can I David?
  • Re: Synopses
    by bluesky3d at 09:34 on 02 March 2004
    Thanks for explaining your comment Traveller - no I don't take offence at anything on here - I appreciate all comments of whatever nature - it is even better when people are specific - so thank you. As to whether I take any notice - well I'll think about it. lol )

    So people know what sentence we are on about I'll repeat it here - (I assume you meant the one in italics below?)

    The Icera Stone - a tale of how the pagan past is still alive in modern-day Dorset.

    Could the consciousness of a Celtic Priestess resonate through a crystal - triggered by the coincidences of space and time?

    What didn't you like about it exactly?

    Andrew )


    Traveller - I have given thought to your comment but I don't regard 19 words as being too long for a sentence - how would you shorten it and convey the same meaning?


    Did you mean shorten the sentence in question, or shorten the Synopsis?
  • Re: Synopses
    by david bruce at 10:52 on 02 March 2004
    I've reinstated the original Synopsis & Outline group, although now it won't be a teaching group:

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