Dee and Jumbo.
I can agree with having a Theasaurus and a Dictionary as constant companions and helpmates. I consider these essential to any writer.
I reacted strongly against the 'deletion suggestion' as a piece of advice to 'new writers' for the craft of writing will develop with practice and the person, who will improve and emerge as a 'good' writer, will realise the contribution that each word, phrase, clause and sentence makes to the overall piece. From that they will become constructive critics and good editors of their own work.
I do not think it good advice to suggest singling out adjectives and adverbs (sometimes in parsing it is not easy to clearly label these!) but each and every word needs to be 'looked at' and a good writer will do this automatically.
The more difficult and harder-to-define 'Art' in writing will (not 'may'
depend upon the adjectives and adverbs to a large extent. Consider the challenges of Poetry and look at what 'Creative Prose' really means.
The 'remove all adverbs and adjectives' advice is, to me, akin to saying 'delete every fourth word'.
<Added>The 'smiley' came by accident. I was trying to put a close-bracket sign. Amusing, really when you know what I think about these!