Elspeth, thank you for responding so quickly. I'll follow your suggestion and try to find the source of the definition of creative prose at Zing Magazine. I often have a lot of fun chasing down the source of the various bits and pieces I want to use on Artuccino. People are usually very appreciative of the effort and respect shown.
As you suggested some of the participants in WriteWords may like to submit some work to Artuccino. If anyone reading this note feels they would like to submit some creative prose fitting within the theme of Art, Coffee and Wisdom (plus books, history, nature etc) to www.artuccino.com they are very welcome. Artuccino is a non commercial conservative site dedicated to beauty, bright colours, art, motivation, philosophy and happiness. For writers who may be interested, it probably would be a good idea to have a look through the site and see if the subject of their writing would fit in with the theme.
Artuccino a site about sharing. It Gives Artuccino's visitors the opportunity to show their work to the world. Until recently, we have been focused on art mainly, however, there is now a natural progression to short written pieces, hence my interest in Creative Prose.
We have a large collection of wise quotes and one of my intentions is to write small pieces about the interesting people who thought the wise thoughts. As time is limited this will happen slowly over the next few years. If anyone wants to do a piece on any of the quote sources e.g. Emerson, Thoreau, etc that would be fantastic and would speed up the work. Unfortunately there is no money in it only the pleasure of writing and being read.
The new section at Artuccino was uploaded yesterday (there is only one written piece on it at the moment). The new section is called Creative Prose and the internet address is
http://www.artuccino.com/GallProse.html It will be followed soon by another section called Interesting People which will be another excellent space for Creative Prose related to short biographical articles.
Best of luck with your writing and thanks again for giving me the lead through to Zing Magazine.