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  • From the point of view of each - or is it points of view?
    by thisisit at 16:49 on 06 September 2013
    'From the point of view of each of the four members of X family'.

    Is EACH the subject - ie singular - so it is 'point of view -not 'points' ?

    Feeling a bit Friday feeling, bit sluggish (lazy!)so just checking if anyone knows?

    Edited by thisisit at 16:52:00 on 06 September 2013
  • Re: From the point of view of each - or is it points of view?
    by GaiusCoffey at 17:14 on 06 September 2013
    I would have thought so, it seems like an implied "one".
    'From the point of view of each one of the four members of X family.'
  • Re: From the point of view of each - or is it points of view?
    by GaiusCoffey at 17:15 on 06 September 2013
    As opposed to:
    'From the points of view of the family members.'

    Edited by God at 17:15:00 on 06 September 2013

    Corrected by Ishmael at 17:16:00 on 06 September 2013

    Divine vengeance visited on Ishmael by God at 17:16:00 on 06 September 2013, leaving a bloody mess

    Edited by GaiusCoffey at 17:17:00 on 06 September 2013
  • Re: From the point of view of each - or is it points of view?
    by thisisit at 18:57 on 06 September 2013

    Thanks for answering. Yes, I think it must be that each - one - governs this. Not the 'four' members.
  • Re: From the point of view of each - or is it points of view?
    by debac at 16:03 on 15 September 2013
    Yes, I'd agree. Otherwise it seems to imply that each family member has more than one POV. (Multiple personality disorder anyone? )