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  • Print equivalent of vox pops
    by catcrag at 09:57 on 23 May 2011
    Do I even mean vox pops? (They didn't do Latin at my school...) What I mean is where, for example on the news or a documentary, they have snippets of ordinary people talking about their own experiences of the topic. Would you still call it a vox pop if it was in a newspaper article, e.g. Catherine, 29, says 'When my husband ran off with my daughter's piano teacher I was devastated...' ?
  • Re: Print equivalent of vox pops
    by susieangela at 11:17 on 23 May 2011
    I wouldn't call it vox pops. As you say, it's a television/radio term (voices of the people). Also, it's quite an 'in house' term, I think. And because it's 'voices' it doesn't really translate to print. Not sure what you'd call it, though!
  • Re: Print equivalent of vox pops
    by cacooper at 12:55 on 23 May 2011
    I used to do vox pops the whole time when I was a reporter. But that was more when we had a question of the day and asked several people and printed their reponse. I'd call what you have written a quote.
  • Re: Print equivalent of vox pops
    by Polive54 at 09:04 on 26 January 2022
    I have heard before about it but I am not sure about its quality and prices. I am having a stationery shop and I am looking for places that laminate near me and got some results https://nicelocal.ca/toronto/utility_service/type/lamination_of_documents/ so that I could decide to install the laminate machine or not. If there is no shop near me providing the laminate service then I will definitely install it in my shop.
  • Re: Print equivalent of vox pops
    by John12 at 13:32 on 25 February 2022
    This is nice.

    Edited by John12 at 13:35:00 on 25 February 2022
  • Re: Print equivalent of vox pops
    by SusanM098 at 12:53 on 16 March 2022
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