Hello everybody,
I was searching about animals cruelty on internet, particularly about phrases on dog that we human take them in negatives sense. But unfortunately I happened to open on this
They Talk about me like a dog. Obama said this while in his speech on US Economy. You can check it out here
I paid my attention and closed it after listening, but I didn't get properly Who talk about him
like a dog. Whatever, but later I think what we human think of a DOG, it's a totally insult to the kingdom of Dog, what they think of us.
If anybody has knowledge about animals that we make fun of them or in negative sense please let me know. All comments would be greatly appreciated, as I'm using them in my writing. For example, man often kicks cat when their wife leave them alone at home. Even I don't like cat. Another is Donkey, we use them as Butt calling 'Ass'. Similarly, We use Rabbit's head with their ears up as symbol in Playboy Magazine. You may have understood, What I want to say.
Thanks for listening.